MatriTalks 26
& Answers
Han Marie Stiekema Sermes
Q. How would be, with regard to what you have
said in our last session, your analysis of American society?
A. The best analysis of
American society usually comes from Americans themselves. Unfortunately, their opinions
and conclusions are not always fairly published, while on the other hand, large parts of
the population don't seem to be interested in hearing those opinions either.
Q. Is this the reason, why you have been
choosing this subject today?
A. As we shall see in the
course of this talk, it is because of the Compassion of the Great Mother Herself, that I
feel the need to speak out. Maybe these things have already been said by others. That's
okay. It is just about expressing the Concern of the Mother, which is emphasized here.
Moreover, I want to talk about the main underlying mechanism, the determining factor,
through which American society can be better understood. It purposely leaves aside
outstanding persons and their achievements. Although being highly regarded (T.Jefferson,
T.S.Elliott, R.W.Emerson, Walt Whitman, the Quakers, D.H.Thoreau, Emily Dickinson,
M.L.King and many others) - often persons, who really "made a difference" - they
simply have had enough attention elsewhere. The seriousness of the situation we are in
collectively, makes it necessary to reveal issues, that generally remain hidden.
Q. So, how would you assess the situation?
A. In order to be able to
understand the core problem of America, we have to go back to where it all started. As you
know the US was founded by the "Pilgrim Fathers", a group of religious European
people, that tried to escape from persecution. To them America was the land, in which they
could freely practice their faith. However, in doing so, they not only got rid of their
oppressors, but also of the ties and bonds of social life. They became uprooted, being
"thrown upon themselves". The only "thing" left was "their
Q. "Uprooted" means: "life
without a context?"
A. The difference between
America and the rest of the world, is that the latter has a socio-cultural context, that
links the past with the present. However distorted, there is always an awareness of a
framework in which you live, the recognition of the fact, that you share life with others.
America on the other hand is the only country in the world with the (self-centered,
isolated) ego as a starting point.*
* Local community initiatives try to
balance this. Very often these projects are based on an admirable amount of selflessness,
enthousiasm, compassion and creativity. They are an example to the rest of the world,
especially Europe.
Q. So the irony is, that what these founders
experienced as "freedom", in fact was equal to a condition of being uprooted?
A. If you are not hindered by
social conventions anymore, freedom becomes the freedom to do whatever you like. The only
restriction is "not to hinder the freedom of others". Obviously, the Fathers at
first were enjoying the "positive" part of it. Its shadow part popped up soon
after, though.
Q. The previous would not be your definition of
freedom, I presume?
A. The underlying mechanism is
decisive. "Being thrown upon yourself" actually means "being cut off from
reality". You live in your own world only, identified with your own personal
self-image, your own personal needs, desires and ambitions, hence self-centered. You are
an island in the ocean of life. It is the condition we are calling "ego". This
being isolated, creates existential fear. Actually, ego is fear.
"Freedom" and fear are becoming two sides of the same coin. Usually, the freedom
aspect is emphasized. What is the value of a freedom, which, as its underlying current has
fear as its counterpart, though? With every increase of freedom fear grows accordingly. It
is a vicious circle, from which no escape seems to be possible. Thus, to be freed of all
ties and "the pursue of (personal) happiness" have shown to create unexpected
Q. Indeed, it seems to me, that freedom and
fear cannot go together. Deep down they are excluding each other.
A. The problem is, that this
fear is structural. It is the indestructible shadow part of the American psyche.
Eventually, this fear turns out to be the (masculine) ego-angst of falling back into the
"chaotic condition" of the primordial realm of the womb; his angst is "fear
of Nothingness"*. This condition is the foundation of the entire culture. Needless to
say, that you will meet a couple of problems on your way.
*See also: "Fear of Nothingness"
Q. Like?
A. Ego-formation is a reaction
against the angst of falling back into the womb. The greatest danger for an isolated,
alienated, uprooted ego is to be swallowed by the "forces of darkness". This has
to be avoided at all costs. Hence, the obsession of an entire culture with "looking
forward", "progress", "expansion", "power",
"future", "science" and "technology" (e.g. "science
fiction"). The entire culture based on the (unconscious) attempt to avoid angst:
drowning fear through virtues like "belief", "hope",
"vision", "trust", "strength" and "dream". What
you see is, that Americans continuously want to make themselves believe, rather than
"simply" believing. They - the virtues - serve the purpose of overcompensation,
hence, they have to be compulsively repeated, like a mantra. In this context
"relaxation" becomes very dangerous. By relaxing you may lose the "control
of your life", which means nothing else, than fear of "disintegrating".
Q. What about "being
strong", another dominating phenomenon?
A. "To be strong" is
another obsession with the same existential concern. You cannot allow yourself to be
vulnerable or "weak", because then you may also become overpowered by
unconsciousness (e.g. by others....). The consequence is a nation split up in
"winners and loosers". Not to be confronted by fear expresses itself in
hyperactivity, ranging from relentless activity in sports, fitness, entertainment, work
and the economy to religion*, the media, science, technology and politics. It creates a
kind of (artificial) intensity, for which it used to be envied for. The obsession with
(national) "security", together with the justification to protect it "by
every means", can be explained by it. However, this is only the surface. The reality
behind it is, that it is an overcompensation for an (unconscious) weakness within.
Q. Becoming aware of e.g. accepting your
weakness, is that it?
A. Inner balance is all
about accepting opposites. This is exactly what American society is not able to. It says
that you cannot be strong and weak, a winner and a loser, active and
passive, powerful and powerless simultaneously, no, in order to
"survive" (...) you have to identify with only one aspect of life, at the
expense of the other. The other part is going to be suppressed e.g. projected in other
people. Unfortunately, it is the cause of American indifference toward the weak, the poor
and the helpless. American life is a desperate struggle against its own
Q. Considering the fact, that
Americans are strong believers, what is the role of religion?
A. Established religion is
supporting the ego, rather than breaking it down. The irony is this. Ego is equal to fear
of nothingness. The mechanism of (unconscious) identification serves the purpose not to be
confronted with the Essence of the Transcendence. Since God is ultimately the Divine
Abyss, religion is an invocation to avoid direct contact with God.....Hence, overcoming
your existential fear is the most crucial task in life.
* See: "Fear of Nothingness".
Q. What about the idealism of American culture?
Couldn't that compensate the imbalance?
A. Originally, the Fathers
obviously shared a great deal of idealism. To them (the European) reality was something
they wanted to escape from. Their harsh life found its counterpart in what would become
"The American Dream", a religiously motivated "vision" of a future
society. Very soon American daily life showed its own difficulties though. It increasingly
centered around "survival", "making your own living" e.g. becoming
rich. The laws of capitalism - profit, accumulation, exploitation - started dominating
society. Reason, why some groups started clinging to their "Dream" (of an ideal
society) even stronger. In practice the gap between "vision" and
"reality" was widening all the time. While in the beginning, the "Great
Vision" at least had a chance of becoming the vehicle for real change, in the course
of time, it got the opposite function: that of escaping into a dream world. Incentives
about "changing society" are always compulsively future-oriented, hardly focused
on the HereNow, a hollow ritual really. Real change it is not a matter of yet dreaming
another "Dream" though. What has to save America is getting "Vision"
and "reality" together.
Q. Despite the renowned think
thanks, the high quality of science and philosophy and the world famous universities?
A. This is also true with
regard to American (political) philosophy, for instance. It is largely idealistic, e.g.
limits itself to the superstructure of society (culture, politics, philosophy), while
keeping the underlying socio-economic reality untouched, hence making a woolly impression,
lacking roots. They constantly beat about the bush. "Analysis" is often reduced
to "visions" only. A structural analysis of capitalism seems to be surrounded by
a serious taboo. Therefore, "vision" and "reality" never meet.
Q. Despite the well-known
altruism of countless (rich) Americans, who make extensive donations to charities?
A. The strong (Calvinist)
conscience used to be the cause of the fact, that deep down one feels guilty about its
self-centeredness, egoism, greed and the crimes that are committed. Don't forget, that the
foundation of American society is built on the destruction of millions of native
inhabitants. That is a.o. the reason, why many members of the "old guard" at the
end of their lives - after first having been ruthless moneymakers - used to become
philanthropies. It is a key phenomenon of Western culture. At the surface talking about
freedom, democracy and tolerance, while at a deeper layer being ruled by the laws of the
jungle though, consisting of ruthless egoism, greed, competition and exploitation.
Q. Is it also the fear of losing what has been
A. The ego has no choice, but
building its existence on "having". Lacking Being, which would imply going back
- surrendering - to the Source (which would trigger angst), it prevents to finding
fulfillment within. Hence, it started clinging to external achievements, becoming obsessed
by profit and accumulation. What you gain you may also lose though. It is giving rise to
secondary fears, that of losing what you have. Everything around you becomes a threat to
you. It is the threat, that "they" are taking all your things away from you.
Obviously, the Third World as a whole poses such a threat. Hence, the need for controlling
(and manipulating) the entire world (obviously also in order to secure the US with
resources for its all-consuming lifestyle). The seriousness of the (felt) threat is
underlined by the fact, that even "God" has to serve as the
"protector" of the "American Way of Life". In America religion
generally has become a ritual to support, maintain and extend a highly materialistic
* In America there has been always a
subculture, in which values like spiritual life, community, environmental concern,
feminism and compassion were (are) greatly cherished. They are an example to the rest of
the world. Nowadays, with the overall disaster rapidly increasing, again people, groups
and organizations emerge, striving for "a better world", a very hopeful
development indeed.
Q. Why does this worries the
rest of the world?
A. If material wealth is the
only thing you have, you build your entire existence around it. Your identity is depending
on it. If you would take it away, the entire psyche implodes. That's why they have to
compulsively dominate the entire world. "New markets" and
"resources" are of vital interest to maintain a highly addicted lifestyle. Any
hitch in the supply makes them extremely nervous. It is this collective self-addiction
("mega-machine"), that poses a great threat to world peace, a durable
environment and the survival of local communities and cultures, nay of the entire planet.
Q. The Dream turning into a Nightmare?
A. It is not accidental, that
at a time in which the Ego-Catastrophe with its accumulation on the one hand and the
deprivation on the other becomes increasingly visible, the Mother has revealed Herself to
mankind. The insight of the Ultimate being a Vacuum, a Cosmic Womb in Which the ego has
the opportunity to die in order to be reborn as the True Self, is great news. It is the
first time in history, that mankind has a chance of overcoming its existential fear.
Getting rid of the ego or at least the extremes of it is a "sine qua non" to a
new balance, both individually and collectively.
Q. Does She have a special message for America?
A. At least it seemed to the
Great Mother, that at the moment the situation is so critical, that She decided to
intervene with earthly affairs. Aren't we indeed becoming increasingly helpless to solve
the problems we have inflicted upon ourselves and our environment? The Mother first
"goes there", where She is most needed. She knows the deep desperation Americans
are in nowadays. Hence, Her Compassion with America. This time the Intervention of the
Ultimate will be on Her terms though. She is incorruptible. She will only help you, if you
are willing to help yourself. Being the Supreme Healer She immediately goes to the core of
the problem.
Q. Which is?
A. First of all, you have to
courageously face your core problem, realizing the magnitude of it. It leads to the
determination to solving it, making it an utmost priority. However, this is soon followed
by the recognition of the fact, that your ego is not able to solve it. Aren't the
problems of the world not increasingly uncontrollable? You then call in the help of the
Ultimate. What we need is a world based on inclusiveness, wholeness, cooperation,
commitment, respect and compassion, rather than individualism, materialism, accumulation,
exploitation and injustice. It is then, that you understand, that such a world needs a new
"concept" of the Divine, a more inclusive one than hitherto known. A concept,
that is more close to Reality. This turns out to be the Great Mother. She is the Cosmic
Womb, the Bottomless Ground of existence, in Which everything is being transformed.
Q. What would you like to tell
A. We are at a turning point,
in which the Mother asks us to trustfully surrender to Her, in order to become reborn.
Thus "throw yourself into Her arms" and you will be saved. The Mother is
granting you absolute security. "Come all ye unto Me, I am the All-Embracing
* The only thing She takes from you is
your ego....
Q. Problem solved?
A. In these times of decay the
direction of culture is to return to the Source. Intelligent people cooperate with this
Cosmic Force. The number of conscious people is rapidly growing. At the same time the
Mother is ready for America and America I am sure, is ready for the Mother. Surrendering
to Her is indeed the most fundamental step. From the first moment, you are actually taking
refuge in Her, your "fear of Nothingness" will be melting away. Contrary to what
the "fathers" tried to make believe you, Nothingness (Emptiness) is not that
devouring monster, but proves to be the Cosmic Womb, the Vessel of Regeneration, in Which
death is turned into rebirth. Consciously surrendering to Her, means "dying to the
old", getting rid of all your fear, obsessions and addictions. The result is a New
Self, one that will be spreading its quality all-around. It is the beginning of the
Transformation of Self and Society.
Q. In fact, this is all about a new concept of
A. Only after getting rid of
your innermost (existential) fear and after a New Self is born, freedom is perceived as
freedom from yourself (not for yourself e.g. the ego),, resulting in being available to
others. However liberated, this New Self is still living without a meaningful context,
though (...). This insight is crucial for the Transformation of Self and Society, in
particular for the American situation. Wasn't the alienation of the self from its context,
not its core problem? The cycle may become closed now. It consists of subsequently fitting
in into the Whole once again, e.g. in "Heaven, earth and the (new) community".
Q. Shifting from the spiritual to the
A. Well, it will be clear, that
the entire society has to become rebuilt. This is not going to work, if you want to do it
by yourself only. You (the ego!) simply lack the insight, the inspiration and the power.
Therefore, you have to go back to the Source all the time. You have to "cooperate
with the Mother's directives". Thus, the work is including the following. You'll
start with taking refuge in the Mother, the Latter bestowing insight, love and strength
upon you.
Q. Subsequently?
A. Subsequently the renewed
Self is translating Her Gifts into A New World View, based on inclusiveness. A new
set of values and norms will be coming out of that process. This in turn becomes your tool
for building A New Community as societies' new foundation. This Community is sacred, since
it is reflecting the "Web of Life", which is the Material Body of the Great
Mother. Healing Her Body is where it is all about.
When we start healing Her Body,
She will be starting to heal us.
The Mother embraces us all,
without exception.
Praise the Mother!
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