MatriTalks 36
& Answers
Han Marie Stiekema Sermes
Q. "Calling", at least here in Europe
has a very old-fashioned reputation. People associate it with monks and nuns, a breed that
has increasingly died out down here. Nevertheless, you are picking it up once again. Why?
A. Vocation as it used to
be, was very much determined by institutionalized religion. This is what people don't want
anymore. My interest would be, if "calling" altogether has disappeared with it,
or if on the other hand "real calling" will start blossoming, once again.
Q. Do you already have some idea?
A. Calling is being touched by
the Ultimate, in such a way, that it changes your life in a quite dramatic way. You turn
from a self-centered person into one, whose passion it is to serving the Whole. After so
many decades of imposed egoism, my personal hope is, that an increasing number will be
totally fed up with the former, looking for real fulfillment.
Q. To give up things is something - it seems to
me - that few people will welcome.
A. Not after you (painfully)
discover, that constantly dragging along the too much makes you unhappy, frustrated,
depressed, exhausted and at last desperate. The feeling to be locked up in a
"paradise" of meaningless objects and events, can become a very heavy load
Q. I respect your personal opinion in this
matter. But isn't it more a matter of wishful thinking, than an assessment based on
A. Because the form has become
so diverse, there isn't something like a recognizable pattern of calling. So you have to
first look well and understand the essence beyond different kinds of behavior.
Q. Could you give us some examples?
A. What do you think of the
increasing number of people, that very consciously limit their participation to the
"system", in favor of activities, that are more related to their real needs?
Friendships for instance, are more and more chosen on the basis of "real
contact", rather than on superficial preferences. The number of people, that are
following a "spiritual path", consciously avoiding people and places, that do
not correspond to inner needs, is growing as well.
Q. Okay, there may be truth in that. However,
making more conscious choices isn't the same as "being called". Am I right?
A. Half of the calling comes
from the Ultimate, half comes from people who are a fertile soil for it. Above
mentioned number may exactly - consciously or unconsciously - working on the latter.
Q. That once again brings me to the essence of
calling. How would you explain its "mechanism", if there is any?
A. In former days, they used to
say: "many are called, few are chosen". It suggested that "God" was
making "personal" choices, about whom would become his chosen ones. This of
course is nonsense. God doesn't make choices. If "he" did, then "he"
would favor one at the expense of others. Such a "God" doesn't exist. The
Reality is - and of course I shift to the Great Mother here - that the Ultimate is
All-Embracing, without exception. It means, that all are called and all are chosen.
Q. With an all-inviting Mother, calling would
be dramatically on the increase.
A. At least you know now, Whom
I trust!
Q. How is the Mother inviting people?
A. Because of Her Limitless
Compassion, everybody is equally pulled in into Her Womb. It depends on
"worldly" factors, like age, biography, situation, character, sensitivity,
degree of suffering, attitude and motivation, if and how the Mother's Power is having any
effect on somebody.
Q. Thus it entirely depends on us, rather than
on the Ultimate. It is something that surprises me, because especially with regard to
"calling", I have always been told, that it was a matter of Grace.
A. The miracle is, that the
Mother uninterruptedly fulfills Her Commitment to saving people. Her Grace is always
there. The question is: are we deciding to become receptive to this Her Grace, or not? Of
course, even a positive decision can never guarantee, that you will be granted, what you
are hoping for. There are many subtle factors involved here. Which also means, that
somebody, who never did anything to become closer to Her, suddenly is bestowed by A Great
Q. Like they said: God's ways are unfathomable,
meaning inscrutable.
A. This idea was deliberately
imposed on people. A "God", that could "change his mind" all the time,
raised fear in people. Thus, it was more easily to manipulate and oppress the latter. The
Mother on the other hand, has only one Clear Message: I Am The Only Reliable Factor In
Life, You Can Always Trust Me, Therefore Take Refuge In Me. Whimsicality is the last
thing, you may accuse Her of.
Q. Fantastic, that outburst of religious
passion. I confess, I envy you for that.
A. Good, that is your first
step toward a calling (laughter).
Q. What would be the first signs, the first
symptoms so to speak, that one possibly could be called?
A. This varies with every
person. However, there is some kind of common denominator. For instance, the young girl,
who feels deeply inside, that "God is calling her". Then, another women, who
through self-observation discovers, that she is "drawn within", seeking silence,
rather than chatting with friends all the time. The young man, who, after extreme egoistic
behavior, suddenly "sees it all" and shows remorse. Another man suffers so much
from alienation and loneliness, that he starts searching for Wholeness. Again a woman, who
senses, that the joy of life, that she already possesses naturally, is related to A
Source. Finally, a young man, who is simply fed up with his superficial life, feeling
"empty", who decides "to explore" his inner Being. I know also of
somebody, whose awe for nature brought him to his New Life. In history, we have the
incredible story of Paul, who suddenly and totally unexpected turned from a persecutor
into a follower.
Q. How will you know, if the actual calling is
A. If the calling to serving
the Whole is strong, then you will know it. It consists of a very decisive inner turning
point. It is characterized by actual transformation, consisting of leaving your addictions
behind, in favor of a life of freedom. It coincides with a total reversal of the concept
of freedom, though. It shifts from the freedom to "do what you want", to the
freedom of "being part of the Whole". Very often, this is accompanied by some
degree of Oneness experience, in which your ego is disappearing. After such an Experience,
the longing for serving the Whole is born. It frees you from your self-centeredness, hence
your newly acquired freedom being "on a higher plane". If the calling is not so
strong, then you will enter a period of (continuously) asking for confirmation.
Q. How you may actually experience your
A. The best testimony comes
from Teresa of Avila. She extensively describes the spectrum of insights, feelings,
emotions, desires, ecstasies, hardships and joys, that are connected to this Path. It is
reflecting all the heights and depths of human existence. Hence, calling is only for
those, who have a deep passion for life.
Q. How to further finding your way?
A. From the moment on, that
Transformation has taken place, the Ultimate "has taken over". Your have shifted
from the one who decides, to the one who is asking.
Q. How are you estimating the frequency of
vocations in the near future?
A. I see an entirely new
development. The invitation of the Mother will soon be heard by an increasing number of
people, who recognize Her as their True Homeland. From that moment on, it will be
She Embraces You!
We also say "Her
(Contrary to "His Blessings")
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