You feel it, because
it's in the air. It is as if the body of civilization is slowly eaten by a monster. The
tricky thing about it is, that this "monster" is invisible. It smoothly sucks
everything in. Nobody seems upset by it. Why should they? The beast - Big Brother - I am
talking about is all-inclusive. Through it commercialism, technology, the virtual
"reality", electronic control and media propaganda are interwoven into one Mega
Bubble. Its self-proclaimed goals are to satisfy everybodies' desires. So, what do you
want more? Since this one-dimensional world "has no alternative", we think it is
"normal", "god-given" so to speak. And indeed, no Bible can compete
with the current Bubble. No God is fulfilling desires so completely. Hence, "the old
God is dead, long live the new one". The only little problem left: after some time of
smoothly digesting what has been forced upon you, the "food" turns very sour.
Your discovery: everything within the Bubble deteriorates, leaving behind a trace of
frustration, fatigue, boredom, stress, fear, loneliness, pain, depression,
anger....everything eventually resulting in a collective burn-out. Is there really no
alternative? Thanks to the Revelation of the Cosmic Mother (1977) there is Light at the
end of the tunnel. Despite that people say, "we know what we have (even if it is
destroying us)....and don't know the unknown. Before we are considering anything, please
tell us, what are the benefits of joining the Mother?"
So, here we go....

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Marie Stiekema. All rights reserved.
Everyone may use this website as a source of inspiration. However, since it
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Last revising: 11/11/13 |