Culture Renewal Initiative
Healing the Planet

To Restore the Wholeness of Life


Climate disaster

Nuclear threat

Economic injustice

Oppression of women and children

"This horror, this unimaginable suffering as an effect of nuclear destruction should never be allowed to happen again"
Han Marie Stiekema in Hiroshima 1990


"Above a sufficient basic income more money won't make people more happy"
World Values Survey 2008
(New Scientist Magazine)

The survey even calls the ongoing desire for material goods as "happiness suppressant"

It shows the absurdity of limitless economic growth

The current crisis is a unique opportunity to go back to basics

A basic income for all, community democracy and an economy of the enough

Do you still suffer from too much wealth?

Donate it to "Healing the Planet!"


Disappearing World
"We have only a decade to save the planet"

                                                                                                                 Earth Report 2007

We all know it. The old world is in decay. Suddenly all problems prove to be interrelated. Increasingly, we find ourselves with the back against the wall. We are afraid that deterioration of the environment and even that of society is unavoidable. We have two choices. If you hold on to the old ways (your "normal" life), you will suffer.You will only see losses in and around you. Or you consider the breakdown of the old as a necessary step to a new phase in evolution. "Retirez pour mieux sauter". In that case, the global crisis is an invitation to return to the Source in order to become reborn. Once renewed, you become part of the Whole, once again, restoring the sacredness of the world. Therefore, commit yourself - together with the increasing number of your fellow human beings - to "Restoring the Wholeness of Life". It is urgent.

In these most critical of times the "Eternal Feminine"
has revealed HerSelf to the world.

After his unique Threefold Realization it took Han Marie Stiekema, in daily life spiritual teacher, psychotherapist and (holistic) medical doctor (since 1972) 33 years of preparation before he subsequently "made himself known to the world". Deep solidarity with nature was decisive in taking up the role of The Green Man as a potent way to initiate the Transformation of Self and Society, re-connecting to the oldest tradition of mankind, in which the Eternal Feminine and the Green Man/Wise Woman archetypes are two sides of the same coin. He can be recognized by his unsurpassed spiritual depth and great insight into the world's problems - personal and social, cultural and philosophical, medical and ecological. In this current crisis his universal mission is to lead people back to the Source of Renewal and Regeneration. The latter being a Cosmic Vacuum in which everything is broken down, the latter continuously being reborn. In order to save the planet, we have to live according to this "Her" "Universal Law": "to die (ego) in order to live (new Self)", while subsequently becoming part of the Whole, once again. Very soon people will acknowledge the necessity of mutual support e.g. community, to start with (eco)spiritual communities. Individualism and materialism have to be abandoned. Since existing religions are all part of the problem, a new all-inclusive initiative is urgently needed. Han Marie Stiekema called this "Healing the Planet in 7 Steps". It is the beginning of A New Era.


Historian A. Toynbee studied the rise and fall of civilizations. What he found was a common pattern of birth, growth, flowering, decay, death and rebirth. Once in the downward spiral all norms, values and achievements are broken down. The elite tries to defend its privileges (through tight control, accumulation of wealth and militarism), while the majority desperately tries to maintain the status quo. A creative minority, however, understanding that "the soul of the culture is dead", is returning back to the Source hoping to become renewed. They courageously "die to the old", while becoming reborn as a New Self. Because of their re-connection to the Origin, all kinds of fresh initiatives are popping up. New spiritual insights about themselves and the world emerge, creating a totally new world view, to start with spirituality/ religion. By necessity, the start of a new culture is thus a spiritual one! Only the Source can bring a genuine renewal! From there concentric circles are drawn, extending the new ideas and practices to all levels of society. The current global crisis is the ultimate confirmation of Toynbee's thesis. The old concept of "God" as understood by patriarchal religions proves to be "dead". In order to renew ourselves, we have to go beyond it. Hence, the most revolutionary "discovery" of 21st century is the existence of "something" beyond God: a Cosmic Womb or "Great Mother" and Her Law of the Universe, e.g. the "cycle of birth and death" on all levels of existence*. This discovery is renewing everything: from spirituality, philosophy, psychology to culture and society.

* Spirituality ("birth and death"), culture ("rise and fall") and nature ("changing seasons") as manifestations of One underlying principle, isn't it a stimulating idea? It gives us the inspiration to harmonize our lives according to the "law of nature". It is the core issue of eco-spirituality.

The son (the daughter), who acknowledges the (Great) Mother as the (Primordial)
Ground of his/her life, is the beginning of a New Era

Disaster is looming. More and more, the combined effects of a variety of causes are becoming evident. Climate change, water shortages, hunger, mass migration, energy crisis, violence and war, extinction of bees, electromagnetic pollution, dying trees etc. etc. all come together, causing unpredictable conditions. The consequence for the poor in the Third World is apalling; for the rich Northern countries it means kicking the habit of greed and materialism. We have to collectively abandon our pattern of overproduction and overconsumption. Chaos can only be avoided, if mankind finds a "substitute" or a better way of living, though. Only then people will be prepared to give up their collective self-addiction. The key to it sounds: "To have is the inability to Be". If we succeed in finding things in life that are more fulfilling, more joyful, more exciting, more balanced, more secure, more meaningful....then mankind would be able and possibly willing to make a peaceful transition towards a global transformation. Spirituality offers these values: like awareness, depth, satisfaction, connectedness, happiness, friendship, fearlessness, strength, compassion.....They are called "higher" values, because once realized, the addiction to material things automatically diminishes. Compare it with love. If love is there, your needs are less. Hence, spirituality being the answer to the current decay. Most people are not familiar with the spiritual Path, though. They (desperately) need teachers, guides, mentors and coaches. However, not those, who "teach" people to adjust better to our suicidal system. No, what we need are guides in transformation - in fundamental change inner and outer - those who can show the way out of the current chaos. This is how we understand our Mission. It is nothing less but the Promise of A New Heaven, A New Earth and A New Community....... 


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2003 © Copyright Han Marie Stiekema. All rights reserved.
Everyone may use this website as a source of inspiration. However, since it
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Last revising: 08/09/12

Can we still be saved?

Culture Renewal Manifesto for the 21st Century