Core problem of (wo)mankind
is the alienation from its original, existential context: "Heaven,
Earth and the
Because of it,
people are "thrown upon themselves""
Their existence
is reduced to identification with their own self-image, also called ego
Deep within
(wo)man knows, that this ego is just a "construction", therefore the ongoing
exposure to existential insecurity
To tolerate this
is difficult, hence seeking his refuge in overcompensation
He is blowing
himself up, being is replaced by having, influence, ambition and power
Because no bounds
are set on him, unbridled greed has become system ("Ego-Catastrophe"). We are
standing before the abyss
Nowadays we
experience the collapse of this bubble: individually ("burn-out") and
collectively (decay of society)
It culminates
when "Big Brother" tries to get the whole world in its grip
He dreams of a
"New World Order", in which all of (wo)mankind have degenerated
("gleichgeschaltet") into zombies - willing consume slaves
Step by step
people get used to it - the addiction to the "virtual world" is just an example
- so that (in the end) people surrender to the exploitative, addictive, technocratic, one-dimensional
system without a murmur
In the depth of this crisis - what a miracle - the Cosmic Mother has revealed Herself (1977)
Since archaic
times She is the "Cosmic Womb", which is giving birth to everything new, young,
healthy and to whom everything old, sick, decaying is continuously returning
In physics She is
called "Cosmic Vacuum", in Buddhism "Emptiness beyond Emptiness"
Now we
understand the "meaning" of individual and collective breakdown,
it is Absolute Nothingness destroying the ego
This it does by
retracting from him all possibility to identify himself again, something 2000 years of
religion hasn't managed to achieve
At the same time
the Cosmic Womb - also called "Holy Grail" - is the Cauldron of Regeneration,
Renewal and Healing
She is giving
uninterruptedly birth to both the Eternal Light ("God") and the universe
By cooperating
with Her - through giving up our ego - our "True Self" is born
The Realization
is, that deep in our soul we are Divine, something the church has vehemently opposed for
2000 years
This Rebirth is
the most longed for New Beginning of our Western civilisation
Rather than
self-centeredness - the blown-up ego - the True Self is granting us a New Identity
Something we were
already, but didn't realize because of our obsession with our ego's
Like clear
consciousness, wisdom, joy of life, inclusivity, connectedness, inner strength,
enthusiasm, love, sovereignty, courage and commitment to the Whole
Once again we
celebrate to be part of the Whole. Ego's inherent vulnerability, isolation and
powerlessness, they forever belong to the past
With our
we are part of the "Great Spirit", with our body part of the Earth and with our
"soul" part of the (new) Community
From this new Unity insight, inspiration, vision and energy for our mission "Cosmic Mother
HEALING the PLANET" is arising
"Healing yourself, healing each other, healing the world"
To those who are a
reflection of the Cosmos, creating society in a "cosmocratic" way, to them the Cosmos
is continuously available
These are the
fundamentals of a New (Wo)Man creating a New World
"Big Brother" or Cosmic Mother, a "New World Order" or the Eternal Cosmos,
this "battle" is resolved right from the beginning
The Eternal Realm
of the Mother - the sacred Unity of Cosmos, Nature and (Wo)Man - which had never entirely
disappeared, will triumph forever
We are part of
Society is part of the Earth
The Earth is part of the Universe
The Universe is part of the Divine
The Divine is part of the Cosmic Mother