Kehr Um!
Healing the Planet
Anzufangen mit einer Neuen Spiritualität

Inspirierend, erneuernd, erleuchtend, empowering, konfrontierend, humorvoll.....


Good news! After many years Han Marie will again organize his succesful "Stress, Burn-out & Regeneration" Retreats.

The ones who know him will not be surprised. As usual, his approach is totally original.

It works like this. He travels around the world and you may join him any time, according to your convenience.

From now on (in this column) he will announce where he is, and how many days there are available for a Retreat.

His purpose is to combine inner Transformation (through the Universal Way) with heightening of environmental awareness.

For that, he will choose the most beautiful places on earth. His favorites: The Seychelles, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, S.Korea, Hawaii, Costa Rica,  Spain, France, Switzerland and others.

As soon as you have made up your mind, you e-mail him your confirmation. In principle, booking of flight and hotel is entirely taken care of by yourself. However, in most cases Han Marie will help you in finding a confortable stay.

Payment of flight, room (B&B or hotel) and the teacher's fee are separate. The height of the latter depends on the local circumstance. Please, inquire.

Retreats will be held after a minimum of 6 people have confirmed. Thus, taking your partner, friends or colleagues with you wouldn't be a bad idea! Obviously, Han Marie's Retreats will include a great deal of improvisation!

Next destination: Switzerland, Jungfrau region. Period: June 2008. Followed by the Seychelles, Mahé Island. Period: July 2008. For exact dates: please e-mail us. His wife MeiMei will assist him with organizing your trip.

For the program of the Retreat, open "Stress, Burn-out & Regeneration", "Emotional self-integration", "The Universal Way", "Heaven & Earth Exercises" and "Great Mother Buddhism" (optional)

Looking forward to all those adventurous people!

Her Blessings!






WorldWide Mission 2008/2009
mit dem

"Grünen Mann"
(Aus Holland, das Land das innerhalb von 50 Jahren überflutet sein wird)
Kehr Um Jetzt!
In dieser überaus kritischen Zeit wird er die Welt bereisen,
sich für einige Wochen an mehreren Stellen niederlassen,
um dort eine Freistatt zu kreieren für alle die ihn
konsultieren möchten. Zusammen werden wir
Lösungen funden für die Krise in
der wir stecken....

Das Erde Zeremoniell
Besteht aus einem Globus (Ballon), den über die ganze Welt getragen wird, unterverteilt in Stadtrundgang, Besinnung (Kontemplation), die Erde heiligen, das Gelübde, Feier (Erde Befreiungstanz) und mehr....

Unsere gemeinsame Sorge
"Healing the Planet in 7 Schritten"
Eine Neue Spiritualität, Eine Neue Psychologie, Eine Neue Gesundheitsfürsorge, Eine Neue Tradition, Eine Neue Gesellschaft,
Eine Neue Wirtschaft, Eine Neue Erde
(Anzufangen mit einer Neuen Spiritualität)

Es würde mir eine große Ehre sein um als Gastredner auf Ihre
(jährliche) Treffen, Zusammenkünfte, Konferenzen, Forums, Synods,
Seminare, Events und (Rats)sitzungen auftreten zu dürfen

Reserviere JETZT!
Info & Kontakt

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2003 © Copyright Han Marie Stiekema. All rights reserved.
Everyone may use this website as a source of inspiration. However, since it
is freely given, no-one can claim, copy or derive any text, rights,
position or status from this website.

Last revising: 05/25/08