Time goes very fast. Still assuming that it is women
who still massively suffer from patriarchy it was quite a shock to me to learn, that
nowadays it is men who experience a rapid breakdown of their "traditional"
identity. Not as an academic finding, but as a harsh reality. To such an extent that
"the crisis of men", contrary to the "crisis of women" is the greatest
threat to world peace and stability. Feminists would say that men always have been the
greatest threat to world peace and stability. I think that is true. However, the
difference with the past is that nowadays a complete breakdown of the social system is
imminent and with it an era of chaos, bewilderment, violence and destruction.
Archaic men lived according to the cycle of nature.
Everything was born out of a (the) Dark Cosmic Womb and returned to it. Men identified
themselves with it through becoming "Vegetation Gods". Every autumn they died -
symbolizing the death of nature - while being reborn in spring. Through the "hieros
gamos" (an echo of it you will find in the "Song of Songs") or Sacred
Marriage with the MotherGoddess or Queen, the fertility of the land was secured. For one
season the chosen one ruled as God/King, everything "in the Name of the Cosmic
Mother". "Death and Rebirth" reflects Cosmic Balance and thus guarantees
peace, stability and prosperity. It was called "Mother's Web of Life". As
long as this was cherished male ego was kept within checks. The Source being the
Bottomlessness of Mother's Lap, to which everything returned and from which everything was
It is the Primordial Trinity: Death, Rebirth and
Life. Until the sense of the Whole diluted. Through the Agrarian Revolution - brought
about by women... - possessions accumulated. Inequality was the result. The rich sought to
protect their wealth and with it a new challenge for men: as guardians, protectors and
defenders. Very soon these "servants" became boss, through physical strength,
the fabrication of waponry. As rulers they soon dominated and controlled the whole tribe.
Tribes that started fighting each other. Through the invention of the "word"
they were able to issue laws, through which larger areas could be controlled. Kingdoms
emerged. In order to establish their rule a "One God" was invented. "One
God, One Nation and One King" (Joshua 7th century BCE). Later the Emperor Constantin
would repreat exactly the same strategy. The "unity" of Christianity wasn't
something that emerged from within, but came from without as a political manouvre.
While the Mother Reign was decaying and male power
increased, the latter refused to remain a "dying and resurrecting" God anymore.
It was Gilgamesh who first declined the offer of the Goddess Ishtar, while starting his
quest for immortality. "To escape from the cycle of birth and death" became
the drive behind man's ambitions, the former is still the main principle behind Buddhism.
It became a new source of authority. Rather than being the "Son" of the Mother
in who's service he used to live and work, his reference "wasn't from this
earth". His ego becoming divine sanctioned, something nobody (and certainly no
women!) could question. The power of his ego became absolute, supported by theologies,
holy books and church dominance.
Still though there were individuals who considered
"death and rebirth" as the source of all life. First of all through the
Hellenistic Mysteries. Regeneration and renewal were considered vital. Through dying in
the Womb of the MotherGoddess (e.g. Isis, Demeter) one achieved rebirth. This insight was
oppressed by the.....dying and resurrecting Christian "Son of God". Through his
rebirth he "saved the whole of mankind". It sounds good at first sight, but
going deeper it meant that through it he deprived all other people of their own power of
regeneration. Renewal became a monopoly of the Church.... "Only Jesus (the Church)
can save you....."
The "christening" of Europe took at least 1500 years. By the
time it had its highlight it already declined (Late Middle Ages). Inspired by the Old
Testament - with its revengeful "God" Jahweh - Christians started to persecute
everybody who "did not believe in Christ". "Who isn't with me is against
me", this ugly saying of Jesus is responsible for discrimination of
"non-believers" until this very day. It was a time in which male ego identified
with authority and power. The Church had moved from a underdog to a topdog position.
Emperor Theodosius (4th century) had forbidden all "pagan" beliefs. It gave
Christians a free hand in tearing down temples, burning books, destroying nature,
discriminate women, persecuting Jews, fighting "heretics". Church and State
closely cooperated. Both were interested in the total submission of people. Didn't the
"word" suffice, then the sword would do the job. Even a truly enlightened one
like the "Hl" Augustine couldn't resist the temptation of power. He gave the
authorization to persecute heretics. In the 8th century (or earlier) crusades were
organized, e.g. against the Saxons, later against the Slavs. Christians proved to be
ruthless persecutors. Even where the "transition" was peaceful the new faith was
imposed by the rulers on the people.
Because of the revival in the Middle Ages of ancient beliefs, which
apparently had not died the Waldenzer and the Humiliates.... the Brothers
and Sisters of the Free Spirit.....Mystics....the Beguines.....the Cathars.....the Grail
Quest.....the Lady Courts......the Troubadours....the Black Madonna......the Knights
Templar.....oppression even intensified. The Inquisition was installed with both
Dominicans ("God's dogs) and Franciscans - after an initial period of
"reason" - turning out to be fanatics of the worst kind. The latter even
continued their practice in the colonies. This terror lasted at least three centuries!
Himmler got his "best ideas" for his SS and Gestapo from studying the
Inquisition. Very soon people's spirit was broken to such an extent that they were seeking
refuge in the only area that was spared: that of the ego. It was one of the most dramatic
events in European spiritual history, in which the Church had destroyed the last flames of
inherent spirituality. The people had no choice but to identify with their personal
interests only. The connection with "Heaven, Earth and the (traditional)
Community" was definitively cut. Western man became an uprooted being in a desacrated
world. It was the beginning of our Western Ego-Catastrophy: self-centeredness,
individualism, materialism as the cornerstones of an entire culture. The
"secularization" thus didn't come from "without" but was a direct
consequence of Church policies, for which it is still accountable. "The European soul
is dead" pope Benedict once said. How cynical, indeed!
Ego thrived in the centuries after. It was the time of State and Church
Absolutism. Outside the formal structures accumulation of wealth thrived. The elites were
very rich, while the population as a whole perished. Even religious reformists (Luther)
supported the ruling class. The latter turned his ("Christian") back to the
masses of poor farmers. Last pockets of "heretics" (e.g. Hussites) were
eliminated. The culture became more rude, materialistic and militaristic. War was an
ongoing business. The greed for power (Machiavelli) unlimited. Increasingly men were
forced to join armies. While they were exploited by the rulers, in their turn they
terrorized women and children. The elite felt they were the lords of the earth. Capitalism
was on the rise with profit-making as the highest goal in life. The patriarchal family
secured the transition of power, influence and wealth according to the male line. While
young boys could expect a glorious career, women were totally subordinate to "the
will" of husbands and sons. The existence of a soul in women was seriously doubted
even three to two centuries ago. Poor men.....for it were them who were totally alienated
from their inner Being. In the grip of their successes their self-indulgence didn't know
any limits. Their rise inevitably had to be followed by their fall.
European spiritual history is the story from original Wholeness towards
one-dimensionality. The next step in this process was brought about by the
"Enlightenment". The latter, obviously, has nothing to do with true
Enlightenment whatsoever, but with the next impoverishment of the soul. Rationality
claimed to be the core of human being. The "rest": e.g. body, feelings,
intuitions, emotions, visions, were considered to be of a lower level. Not surprisingly,
the latter were attributed to women. Lacking "higher" intelligence women were
instable, the victim of their "wild lusts". Thus it happened that even during
the "Enlightenment" witch-hunting thrived. The last executions of women took
place at the very end of the nineteenth century...... The consequence of the rational age
for men's identity were a disaster. In former times he lost his spirit, now he was also
cut off from his soul. What was left was a icy-cold rationalistic, reductionistic mind, in
which only thinking counted. "I think thus I am" (Descartes) is therefore
absurd. Thinking is one of our functions - a not entirely unimportant one - but certainly
not the centre of our Being. The tragic is that this servant became the master, reducing
existence to a mechanic universe. One may certainly say, that this was a logic outcome of
ego-development - for which the males themselves are responsible - which in a sense is
true. Forgotten however is the fact that the masses of males had no answer to the
oppression from "above".
The worst still had to come. Through technological progress the era of
industrialization set in. To the masses it was the next step in alienation. Men were
driven into the plants like cattle. Women and children impoverished at home. Responsible
was the class of capitalist entrepreneurs, those who ruthlessly exploited their
"workforce". Existence reduced to the survival of the fittest. Not surprisingly,
Darwin proposed his theory of evolution exactly during that time. As a reaction against
unbearable living conditions social mass movements emerged. Socialism managed to bring
relief. The underlying condition - men having lost their deeper sense of (spiritual) Self,
the loss of the fullness of a feeling soul, plus his discriminating attitude towards women
and the earth - remained largely the same. With such a little self-esteem it was almost
inevitable, that men couldn't resist the call to war. On the battlefield he had the chance
to prove "who he really was": a hero. In reality this really (literally)
finished him off. Fascism e.g. can be understood as the attempt to restore lost
self-esteem. The so-called superiority is an overcompensation. That's why it is so
ruthless. Like Christianity in the ages before, fascism needs the "non-believer"
- the Untermensch - in order to boost its own uniqueness. It is the absolute low, a
licence to despise, terrorize and murder all those who don't belong to the "chosen
ones". Once the "other" has been lowered to the status of less than an
animal, mass-murders follow a "logic" of their own. Eventually, human values are
definitely buried under the massgraves of millions of victims.
The irony: while the "strong sex" has been wearing itself out,
the "weaker sex" - despite all oppression - has maintained inner substance.
Contrary to female inner stability, in the post-war era male ego maintains itself solely
through technological innovation. Without it he would be nowhere. Feminists have
understood this. They intensified their campaign for equality on all levels of society.
Their psychological drive is derived from the desire to realize their inner masculine part
("animus" acc. to C.G.Jung). In socio-cultural-political affairs their influence
is on the rise. Female radicals have taken their chance to finally crush all of male
identity. Given 2000 and more years of oppression this is even understandable, though not
justified. Because, can a boy be blamed that he has been born as such; that as a child he
was raised according the the expectations of a still male-dominated society? But there is
much more at stake. Because of the obsession to compete with men, the majority of
"new women" want to have their place "under the sun" of the current
dominating patriarchal- capitalist system, the selfsame system that had oppressed them for
such a long time. Without any inclination to change it! Considering their determination to
power and wealth this is not something to be amused of. Men are increasingly put to the
periphery. So, several male experts are sounding the alarm-bells. Like a book with the
title "What is left of men?" Subsequent effort is made to "restore man's
Is it indeed worthwile to preserve man's (old) identity? All that is left
of it are the remains of ego-accumulation. Is it desirable to save and restore them? Even
the bible (....) says: "if you don't have (inner) capital, no further growth can be
achieved". It sounds rude, but this is only to wake you up. Can you grow new apples
from a dying tree? Nowadays we experience the ENDGAME of the Ego-Catastrophy: mankind
about to commit suicide, the result of unlimited greed. Rather than trying to
"save" something that isn't viable, we (men) should follow the Law of
"Death and (Re)Birth". Let die what is about to die! (PS Men who kill are the
ones who's ego's refuse to die....). Something primordial, very archaic indeed,
"suddenly" proves to be the only thing left that can regenerate us. Goethe
already knew it. He considered "Dying to the Old, while becoming Renewed" as the
Essence of Life. Nowadays, through the Eternal Feminine, Cosmic Mother's Womb -
Nothingness, the Vacuum - man's rebirth is possible. It may save the earth. In the past
all other efforts have failed, because of the cunningness of the ego, the latter always
finding escapes e.g. new identifications.
Thus throw off the last obsession with ego e.g. competiveness, this time
with the female gender. Men should not take women as role models. Women have to collect
their own experiences with the system, while we have had it all. Let them make money,
built careers, boosting their ambition, status and influence. They will face the suffering
men already went through. Isn't it a task that men - if they are honest - would get rid
off, if they could? Many men feel an opposite drive to that of women: they want to develop
their feminine (feeling) part ("anima") in order to become more whole. Isn't it
a unique opportunity modern women are offering us? Humiliation by feminists should
therefore be received with gratitude, because it accelerates the process of ego-breakdown.
And that's only the beginning. Cooperating with ego-death will open the gate to truly
becoming Oneself. It is the moment the Cosmic Mother comes into play. For in Her Emptiness
male ego dies, the former giving birth to his True Self. Mother and male renewal become
close allies, "like in former days"....but now lifted to a "higher"
(spiritual) plane. While nowadays' women often reject Her, because She doesn't fit into
their masculine world view! The world upside down. Once renewed the New Man will engage
himself to a new mission: to become a Hopeful, a Servant to the Whole, creating a New
World. Is there anything more gratifying than that?
I've got a Vision! That very soon both genders -
resurrected (Green) Men and (Wise) Women - will both have learned their lesson. Through
painful experiences they will forever abandon the existing inhumane system. Bringing about
a new balance on earth, to the benefit of all living creatures. Once again women and men
will truly become equal partners. They will cooperate with each other to renew Cosmic
Mother's Web of Life, in which a new world view, new values and enlightened action
prevail. The rat race will be abandoned in favour of "feminine" (holistic)
principles like connectedness, love, balance on all levels, respect, justice, peace, and
harmony with nature. Many of my other essays elaborate on the same thing. I hope the clue
has become clear to you. Since this issue is of burning interest, everybody who want to
continue further exchange is welcome. Your e-mails will be appreciated and honored.