Official website


Initiative 2013

Wilderness Teaching

Sacred Groves

Taking Refuge in the
Cosmic Mother
Eco-Spiritual Experience


Healing Communities

Restoring the Wholeness of Life

Green Men & Wise Women Pilgrimages

Mother Healing


Cosmic Mother
If you see a (Green) Buddha in the Wilderness,

follow him!

To go back to the Origin is the Source of True Renewal
In nature this Origin comes to us a the Great Night
Therefore, the Night is central to all our strivings
She is the Womb from which everything originates
In the Wilderness She still has Her Original Power
We set all our hopes on Her

With the coming of a new day the Light in us emerges
Recognizing it as the Divine Manifestation within us
It is the most crucial step towards inner freedom
You appear to be more than your thinking
Jofully greeting the morning sun
Joy, gratitude!

With your True Self you become part of the Whole
Heaven, earth and the new community, once again
Through feeling awareness with body and nature
Everything - trees, flowers, streams, rocks - is equally dear to you
Celebrating our sacred universe
You have entered a New Life!


Sacred Groves 1
Areas of land which have spiritual value to (traditional) peoples and communities
There are still tens of thousands of them worldwide
Sacred Groves are unique in promoting biodiversity
Local custodians have centuries' old wisdom
Our first step is to contact, learn and support
Join Green Man on his visits

See: "Sacred Groves"


Natural Medicine for the "Third World"
To support local indigenous people
Based on a holistic view
Stimulating their motivation to protect sacred groves
Fully adapted to their own traditional approach to health
Based on 40 years of medical theory and practice
To be freely studied in the internet ("Flow System Therapy")

See. (e.g. "Natural medicine for the "Third World")


Sacred Groves 2
Our effort to establish new Groves ("Sacred Natural Sites")
E.g. through Oracle Sessions, Healing the Planet Experience and Wilderness Teaching
Local initiatives are encouraged
The new Groves will be under the protection of the Black Madonna
Heaven & Earth Exercises ("Sanctifying nature") will guarantee the sacredness of the site
Everything maintained by the people themselves

See. "Sacred Groves""Sanctifying Nature""Restoring the Wholeness of Life"


Taking Refuge in the Cosmic Mother
Through Silent Contemplation we reconnect to the Origin
Subsequently, Green Man is sharing his Cosmic Teaching
Followed by Mother Healing: spiritually, emotionally, physically
Together we participate in the Heaven & Earth Exercises, aiming at Sanctifying Nature
With opportunity for Questions & Answers
Together celebrating Life

See. "Sacred Groves""Sanctifying Nature""Restoring the Wholeness of Life"


Our second eco-spiritual community initiative
Including the Cosmic Mother Healing Shrine
A place of meeting, teaching, healing and celebration
Consisting of a glasshouse, containing an abundance of vegetation
Mothers are taking care of the Shrine
Supported by the custodians of our Healing Communities

See: "Eco-Temple"


Green Men & Wise Women Pilgrimages
The surprising Tradition of Old Europe
Solidarizing with brothers and sisters of all other cultures
To us Sacred Groves are the object of devotion
Undertaking annual Quests for the Cosmic Mother
Origin of both the Divine and the universe
Thus developing new ways of eco-spiritual life

See: "Green Men & Wise Women Pilgrim Network"


Healing Communities
They are the Custodians of the Sacred Groves
Living a life of surrender, meditation and service
Serving the local communities through healing
Spiritually, emotionally and physically
In order to be able to do so
They receive teaching, training and guidance

See: "Healing Communities", "Sacred Groves", "Transformatorium"


Depending on the local situation
The custodians of the Healing Communities will regularly organize
Eco-spiritual Retreats with the Green Man
There are several options
The Universal Way (Maitreya Mind Training), "Restoring the Wholeness of Life", the Great Night Initiation
It will deepen your inner life and commitment to the Whole

See: "The Universal Way", "Restoring the Wholeness of Life", "Great Night Initiation"

Do you want to participate?
Please, contact us

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we recommend you to first going back to the beginning of
Han Marie Stiekema's website.
Please, click HOME and proceed from there

1997-2012 © Copyright Han Marie Stiekema. All rights reserved.
Everyone may use this website as a source of inspiration. However, since it
is freely given, no-one can claim, copy or derive any text, rights,
position or status from this website.

Last revising: 03/09/13