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(Now changed into the Cosmic Mother Healing Shrine)
1. In these most desperate of times the
GREAT MOTHER - the Ultimate Reality - has revealed Herself to the world. Both the Divine
and the universe are continuously born out of Her, while returning in the selfsame Eternal
Moment. It is a turning point in spirituality and religion. Through the Eternal Feminine a
beginning is being made with a new course in history, based on feminine values. First, the
MOTHER will make Herself known among all peoples of the world, after which a
transformation - a New World View - will evolve, subsequently leading toward a new
society, based on unity in diversity.
2. It is becoming increasingly clear, that without
interference of the Transcendental mankind will not be able to save itself. Hence, taking
refuge in the GREAT MOTHER is of utmost urgency. In a crisis in which everything is
rapidly deteriorating, moving toward a zero point - nothingness - She - the Cosmic Vacuum,
in Which everything continuously dies and is being reborn - will be the Only One Who will
be able to transform (our fear of) nothingness into rebirth. Out of Her All-Embracing
Compassion ("Come all ye unto Me") She is calling us to return to the Source, in
order to become regenerated.

Great Mother
Cosmogony. (Main Sacred Object).
Everything: The Divine (white/yellow) and the universe
(green) is born out of Her (black), while
returning in the self-same Eternal Moment.
3. The Great Mother cannot be
visualized. She is the Ultimate Formlessness. Hence, in China the main hall of the Eternal
Mother ("Wu-sheng Lao Mu") Temple is empty. One cannot find any image of Her.
However, with this in mind attempts can be made, provided there is always awareness of the
fact, that an image is only an image. One of the differences between the East and the West
is, that the former has a long spiritual tradition with countless movements, sects and
schools. People have thus a better sense about symbolism or the abscence of it. In our
culture things used to be not so flexible, since everything was dominated by one
authoritarian religion. Hence, a new revelation outside "the tradition" will not
be easily recognized. In these circumstances a few symbols may very well emphasize the
character of a new movement. Additionally, the need for rituals, symbols and ceremonies
seems to have increased. The new movements are intensely looking for all kinds of new ways
to express themselves. This usually occurs on a very personal basis. People are deriving
their objects of inspiration from all kinds of religions and cultures. It is
characterizing the search for meaning, something that institutional religion is failing to
give to them. We feel to be in a favorable position to hold out a hand to these people.
Our initiative isn't based on arbitrary acts. In fact, the Great Mother comes at a time in
which the old religion is in decay. She is the next step in evolution. We are therefore
happy to be able to present some strong symbols. Inspired by authentic spiritual
Realization these objects are as close as an object can be to Ultimate Reality. They
consist a.o. of the Cosmic Womb Mandala and the Black Madonna

(Compassion Body of the Cosmic Mother)
5. The Cosmic Womb Mandala (See picture 1)
expresses the Ultimate Truth. Hence, revering this image will bring you many benefits.
Provided you always realize the Cosmic Vacuum, the awsome Reality beyond. The same is true
about the Black Madonna Image. As you can see, She consists of the same elements. Her
black head as the Emptiness beyond Emptiness, the white and yellow halo as Her Light Body
(the Divine, "God", Buddhahood), while Her dress is symbolizing the universe,
the earth. The red band at the bottom represents the love between the mother and Her
children. Reverence, worship, prayer and surrender are the means to get entrance to Her.
Both images may play a central role in our daily spiritual practice. First you may put
them in your room. Some people are building an entire "home altar" for Her. A
bigger size image usually functions as the central icon during the Home Meetings.
Sometimes it is fixed, sometimes it has to be brought to the room every time a meeting is
held. People who give talks about the Great Mother may also take the image with them.
Others put one in their garden. To make it complete, a text may be put under the image. We
recommend "Have Mercy Upon Us", both expressing our plea ("in these most
desperate of times") as well as the Mother's compassion for Her children. She could
be taken in processions or on a pilgrimage to some sanctuary or holy place. Some people
like to make the image themselves. It can be a very special act of devotion indeed. Others
prefer to acquire one. For the latter we will do our best to make them available in due
time. For now the Black Madonna Image can be ordered as a postcard (with our "Prayer
For The World" on the backside) (English and German) through our mail order service*.
* See: "Educational
material" |