Cosmic Womb Mandala
Both the Divine (white, yellow) as well as
the universe (green) are born from the
Cosmic Womb (black), while continuously
returning to their Origin
O, Cosmic Mother
"Cause" of Cosmic Balance
Continuously destroying the old, while giving
birth to the New
Protectress of the Web of Life
I plea to You
May Your Maternal Love destroy my ego,
while giving birth to my True Self
Restoring my Inner Balance
Whereupon I will become part of the Whole, once again
I beg You
Do destroy all ego-accumulations in
the outside world, as well
Breaking down all evil, while restoring the good
Please, end aeons of oppression,
exploitation, violence,
injustice and destruction
Liberate (wo)mankind from poverty and sickness
Protect the earth, the animals, the plants, the rivers
and the oceans
Restoring the Wholeness of Life
Jay Mata Di!

Manifestations on Earth
The Black
Since times immemorial
Images have made of the Cosmic Mother
From pre-historic "Venusses" to famous Goddesses
Isis, Kybele, Kali!, Artemis, Astarte....
In the West the Black Madonna's
Appeared to countryfolk e.g. shepherds
Refusing enthronement in churches
Emphasizing Her pre-Christian Origin
Mother's Compassion made HerSelf
Descend to the people as Black Madonna
Adopting a personal Face
Thus making it easier to approach Her
From the very beginning people flocked
The Depth of Her Darkness
The Source of Renewal and Regeneration
Being irresistable
"Simple" people know what
Men don't know
That everything returns to Emptiness
And comes out of IT
The Black Madonna's "embody"
They represent the Ultimate Mystery
Surrender to Her
And She will take your burden from you
Her "Two Big Hands"
Her Command over Birth and Death
The Deity on Her Lap being
Her dying and resurrecting Son/Lover
Thus, long for Darkness
She is your Ultimate Redeemer
Doesn't She grant you comfort already
Isn't sleep a small death, after all?
Isn't it amazing
That every evening you surrender
To the Unknown without fear?
Getting up in the morning totally refreshed?
So, express your gratitude to
The Black Madonna
Praising Her while chanting
"In You Mother I Trust"
In your Bottomless Darkness I die
Through You I will have my rebirth
I vow to serve the Whole
Healing myself, each other and the planet

Her Light
The Divine
"I am a jealous God
Apart from Me there is no other
You all must worship Me alone
All others will be destroyed"
"I am the Only One"
God boasted
Whereupon the Mother shouted:
"That's a lie JHWH"
The Buddha is the Fully Enlightened
He has overcome the cycle of birth and death
There is no one like Him
His teachings are unsurpassible
God and His "chosen people"
A people with a "special mission"
The "rest" are unbelievers, pagans and heretics
They are all lost, while we are saved
We are all born in "Original
The earth is a vale of tears
Only Jesus can save us
The Church is representing Christ on earth
Life is a struggle between Light and
They are eternal arch-enemies
It is God against the Devil
In the End Christ will prevail
Joy, gratitude!
The Mother has finally revealed Herself
2000 years of delusions have come to an end
In Her we take refuge
O, Ultimate Truth
Help us overcome the ignorance of the world
Isn't the patriarchal
"God" the denial of the Mother?
In Reality Light is born out of
Darkness, though
"God" is the Son, not the "Father"
Mother and Son are the Primordial Ancestors
The universe is the Glory of the
Through Her Light Body everything radiates
Deep within we are Divine
Shining Beacons to all and everything
May thus Her Darkness granting us
So help us the Cosmic Mother

Her Hero's
Green Men
Embodying Cosmic Death and
Our heritage lies in the Origin
Every man is born from a mother
Both Light and the entire universe are born
Out of the Cosmic Womb
In ancient times we men were still
part of the Feminine
It was our natural state
We had no separate life of our own
Everything was embedded in a "magical" Wholeness
This Wholeness was ruled by the
Cycle of Birth and Death
Men were part of it
E.g. as "dying and resurrecting" Gods
Sacrificing ourselves for the sake of
the Whole
Is therefore deeply engrained in us
Until Mother's Unity began to wane
Gilgamesh refused to serve the Goddess, anymore
We started our quest for immortality
Trying to escape from the Cycle of Birth and Death
In the end the Mother was slain
And patriarchy (Marduk) triumphed
Supported by the discovery of our role
in procreation
The increasing necessity of protecting wealth
The discovery of "the word" and making laws
We men became the "lords of creation"
Without Eternal Return
We became afraid of Darkness and Death, though
The war between Light and Darkness was ignited
We started to control everything
Patriarchy is the war against our own
Dominating and oppressing female sexuality
Violence and hunger
Were (are) the "order" of the day
We didn't derive power from the Mother anymore
Instead we started to rely on ourselves
We became permanent warlords
Especially after state and church power fused
What we had denied dominated us secretly, though
The power of Darkness and the Feminine
We started calling it our shadow
Being strong without and fearful within
The Vatican e,g. is crowded
With fearful men
Everywhere sex, sin and the devil constantly lie in wait
These "godmen" created a hell instead of heaven
And that until today
Is there any way out?
A miracle happened: the hero has
In Europe you can find them e.g. as Green Men
They are everywhere: in and on churches, on city halls
In the streets
Symbol of the "dying and
resurrecting" Gods
They survived millennia of oppression
Hopefuls in a time where
The future of the Earth is at stake
His traditional symbolism is more
valid than ever
Protector of the Cycle of Birth and Death
Of femininity, fertility and prosperity
He is Immanence Divine
So, yes, we are incredibly proud to
have survived
It is giving our manhood back
Being servants of the Whole, once again
After a long period of intensive learning
Men's path toward maturity has caused
much suffering
For 2000 years we have terrorized the world
However, in the mean time men have grown
Taking the Green Man as our teacher
The new definition of our commitment
To voluntarily die into the Dark Cosmic Womb
In order to get rid of the tyranny of our ego's
Thus overcoming our existential fear
Moreover, we made a vow
To Restore the Unity with our bodies and nature
Our emotions, our shadow, mind and Spirit
Leading to peace, justice and harmony with nature
Everything in the Name of
The Cosmic Mother"

Her Heroines
Wise Women
Embodying the Cosmic Web of
We Wise Women, Daughters of the Mother
Claiming our Divinity through the Goddess within
We want nothing less than a new society
For 2000 years the existing one has been a disaster to us
We claim to be the substance of life
Without us nothing works
We are the center of procreation, relationship, family
And the community as a whole
Our own sisters - unfortunately - have
forgotten this
They run after the benefits
Of a patriarchal, expoitative society
Their ego's are blown up just like men's
So, let's start with the most crucial
issue: sisterhood
Without solidarity nothing ever will be achieved
Mothers are central in this regard
For they have a common interest
We want to extend our traditional role
to society
Making the Community the center of the universe
All sovereignty should be exercised by it
This is called subsidiairity
A principle accepted by the EU
It should be applied to families, streets, neighborhoods,
communes, provinces (counties) and states, though
It says that everything the family can
do is done by them
What cannot be done
Is delegated to the street (community)
Everything the street can do is done by them
What cannot be done is delegated to
the neighborhood
Everything the neighborhood can do......and so on
Eventually including the highest echelon
It is a bottom up process
In this process we women are the
Traditionally being tribe mothers, healers and weavers
We have all the modern qualifications
for doing the job
What we DON'T want anymore is
To be part of the rat race
It destroys body and souls, relationships
As well as children, and eventually the whole earth
Feminine emancipation isn't about
competing with men
On the contrary
Together with men we want a society based on respect,
Equality, love, justice, peace and harmony with nature
The Mother is behind us
"As long as we continue to burn incense to
The Queen of Heaven, everything will be well"
(Jeremiah 44, 17)
