Supporting the United Nations in its
effort to create a New World

"Unless there is a spiritual
renaissance, the world
will know no peace"
Dag Hammarskjöld, Secretary-General of the United Nations (1953-1961)
As we all know the UN
are not infallible. Yet, it is the only organization that represents the global community,
addressing the concerns of humanity as a whole. Therefore we support them.
"Normally", people have
to adjust to the system; with us the system is adjusting itself to the people
Acknowledge the
(personal and collective) decay. Long for Wholeness
Descend into the depth
of your Being in order to become Renewed
Concentrate on core
values, drop ALL irrelevant things, activities and relationships
With your new Self
become part of the Whole - Heaven, earth and the (new) community - once again
Back the "Healing
the Planet" program; promote it toward your direct environment
Develop mutual
agreement about common principles through basic democratic procedures
Do what you can to
establish a balance on all levels of society
I am supporting you!

See: My Maya 2012 Quest

The most liberating teaching about the ego

Our unique mailorder health service

OUR HEALTH WEBSITE www.vitalworld.org

What else is the collapse of
society but the implosion of our ego, our addictions, our greed, our expansionist behavior
and.....destruction of nature. Spiritually, it means getting rid of all accumulations e.g.
an invitation to return to the Origin. It will be a tough time in which we have to join in
order to preserve spiritual values. Therefore, the most intelligent response to the global
crisis is the formation of "Healing
Communities", focussing on Spiritual, Health, Community and Earth
Service. Its aim: a global network of "islands of life" weaving a new society,
based on holistic values. Are you interested? Call or e-mail us for advice, support and

Our International Training Center

Christmas Address

Every day our website receives between 3000-5000 entries. Feel
free to ask Green Man your questions. He will answer them by return


"How can I find
real joy of life?"
"Please, can you
help me to overcome my fear?"
"Is the ego
really that bad?"
"Around me I see
only people who are depressed, burn-out and sick. Please, explain what is going on"
"My entire being
cries out for Wholeness. Can you help me achieving it?"
"The decay is
everywhere. You seem to be the "only" one, who can put this in a meaningful
context. We need guidance!"
"We all know it: we have to change. But
how and where to start?"
"I direly need
courage to face our common future"
"How can we start
cooperating with each other again?"
"Please, don't be
shy. Come forward and tell us the Truth"

The Teacher - "Green Man" - regularly leaves his
Hermitage in order to realize his WorldWide Mission "Healing the Planet".
He is calling spiritual and religious leaders to commit themselves to saving the earth
(See: "Letter to Spiritual and Religious Leaders
worldwide"). Furthermore, during the coming years he will be visiting
many cities/towns, transforming them into a (temporary) interreligious place of
pilgrimage, initiating "A Big Event"
(mostly for some weeks), consisting of "Mother
Healing" (pain treatments), practising "The
Universal Way" ("monastic daily schedule"), offering a
Q&A session ("Oracle")
(spiritually, psychologically and medically), while distributing a free "Personal
Health Plan" (www.vitalworld.org)
for all. Last but not least, he will be teaching the 7 Steps of "Healing the Planet". Those who
want to commit themselves will receive a training in Spiritual, Health, Community and
Earth Service. See: "Transformatorium"

"Ask not what the world
needs. Ask what makes you come alive...then go do it. Because what the world needs is
people who have come alive."
Howard Thurman Whitman
To go to the links, click the
titles of every chapter. Every new page contains various new connections
Holistic Transformation
Back to the Origin in
order to become Renewed,
subsequently being Part of the Whole, once again
Only if we understand the
meaning of the decay of our times "we will be saved". When all
"values" degenerate, then the only possible intelligent response is to return to
the Origin* in order to become renewed. We don't cling to the old, but let it go. Even
more so: we will deeply repent, because of our greed for more. For quite some time we
already knew that "more, more and more" doesn't make us happy. How was it
possible that we became so addicted? How much joy we missed because of that! So, we turn
within, contemplating on our lives: open, honest and courageously, that's where it is all
about nowadays. * Origin
understood interreligiously, only each religion calls it differently, f.i. God, Allah,
Jahweh, Brahma, Buddha or.....Cosmic Mother. We therefore are decisively inclusive e.g.
the Transformation is something that concerns everybody |
Rejoice, I proclaim the
Transformation to you....* It is the Spirit, (re)born in the Depth of the Cosmic
Abyss, creating a New World..... |
the Planet in 10 Steps"
The Way of the Spiritual
is this teaching universal?
Because it mirrors Cosmic Balance
1. The New Cosmology
The Cosmic Principle of
the "Maternal Dimension of God"
In the
Beginning there was Darkness. It is the "Birthgiver" of the universe. Science
and spirituality complement each other, resulting in a revolutionary new understanding of
existence. "God did not create the world out of Nothingness, but Nothingness is
giving birth to both God and the world, the latter continuously returning to their
Origin". To science everything originates from the Cosmic Vacuum. Spirituality calls
this the Cosmic Womb or "Mother". From "Her" Bottomlessness two major
Cosmic Forces are ruling the universe: Creation (the Eternal Light) and Destruction
(Gravity). These Forces are in a state of dynamic equilibrium, making life possible (Web
of Life). It complies with the archaic notion of the "Cosmic Womb" or
the "Great Mother" as the Ultimate Reality. All major religions have
memories of the "Maternal Dimension of God". J.W. Goethe called it the
"Eternal Feminine", in which everything old, sick, ugly, evil dies
("Stirb") while the new, healthy, beautiful and good is born
("Werde"). It is the core of Renewal and Regeneration, personally and
collectively. In order to save the earth, humanity has therefore still one choice: to live
in harmony with Cosmic Law. I therefore invite the great religions to take the initiative.
Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5 |
Interreligious Understanding
@ Do you think the
"Eternal-Feminine" or the "Maternal Dimension of God" could add
something valuable to your spiritual/religious life?
@ In what way Divine Mother is manifesting Herself in your religion?
@ Would you support a world view based on "feminine" (holistic)
values, like interconnectedness, peace, joy of life, cooperation, justice, love, care and
harmony with nature? |
The New Spirituality
The Cosmic Principle of
the Divine Light
Unfortunately, one big
obstacle stands in our way: the ego. The ego is the result of a process of exclusivity: emphasizing
things we like, while rejecting things we dislike. It serves our personal survival. As
long as it remains contained within certain boundaries, the ego cannot do harm. Sadly,
this is not the case. Through our ignorance about our True Self as the center of our
Being, the ego has blown itself up to enormous proportions. It has become the
ego-catastrophy, where the whole of society has come under its spell. "To have is the
inability to Be". However, self-centeredness - the addiction to the small self - only
leads to ever increasing frustration. "More, more and more" has to compensate
for the lack of True Happiness. The way out is to "die to the ego" in order to
become reborn as a New Self. The good news: Contrary to our conditioning of
2000 years we are not sinners, nor pityful creatures on this earth. On the
contrary. Deep within we are Divine. It is our innermost Core, that What We Really Are.
Some call it Consciousness, others the Divine Spark within us (Meister Eckhart). How we
call it is not so important* Decisive is that we ARE it. Only then we will be able to
overcome our addiction to having. Instead of continuous restlessness, dissatisfaction,
complaining, fear and frustration we open ourselves up to clear insight, inner balance,
joy, compassion, inner strength and beauty. By this becoming our daily experience, the
excessive (material) needs will disappear. How beautiful to be human, once again! * All religions have mystical e.g. pietistic
dimensions. Think of catholic mysticism, protestant pietism, islamic sufism, the jewish
kabbalah etc. So, it shouldn't be a problem to understand each other.
Link2, Link3 |
@ Do you think the Reality of the "Divine Spark
Within" could add to
your personal empowerment?
@ In what way this new psychological understanding is taught
your church, temple or school?
@ Would you like to receive more advice, support or guidance
this matter? If so, in what way?
@ Try the Universal Way |
The New Ethics
The Cosmic Principle of
How the True Self is
manifesting itself in daily life? It is searching for a meaningful context in
order to be fruitful. The vertical (our link to the Divine) is connecting itself to the
horizontal (our link to the world). "Being yourSelf connected" is the goal for
the comining decades. We have to become part of the Whole (once again) - (Wo)man rooted in
Heaven, earth and the (new) community - creating balance on all levels of life. I call it "Existential Consciousness".
It is the existential foundation of life, shared by " rocks, clouds, plants, animals,
humans, alike". Eco-spirituality is based on it. It unites all cultures and
religions, something everything and all have in common. Hindu's, Taoists, Jews, Buddhists,
Christians, Muslims, Agnostics, Atheists....all will agree that our spirit is part
of the Great Spirit (God, Cosmic Intelligence, Nothingness), our body is part of the
earth, while our "soul" is part of the community. It is therefore the
foundation of Unity in Diversity, the long awaited universal brother and sisterhood of all
living and non-living creatures. Ethics is re-defined as the willingness of the ego to
(continuously) returning to the Origin. Giving itself up, our True Self is born, making
everything new. In order to be fruitful, the Self in its turn is becoming part of the
Whole, once again*. All other ethical considerations - balance on all levels, goodness,
mutual cooperation, community, inter-religious tolerance, peace, justice, harmony with
nature - sprout from this basic principle. *
Please, visualize the ego serving the Whole. Don't you think that will indeed change
EVERYTHING? On the other hand "ethics" based on the ego - as is the case
nowadays - is an illusion.....indeed, a vicious circle of empty concepts.
Link |
Consciousness: main theme for 2013
@ Do you think our Western culture is moving towards a bright
(technological) future or rather the opposite?
@ In what way are you expressing your concern about the rapid
decay on all levels of society?
@ Would you like to commit yourself, together with
others, to CultureRenewal? |
The New Economy
The Cosmic Principle of
balance on all levels
An economy based on
(unlimited) growth - like the current one - is destroying the planet: from
individual souls, families, communities, values and norms to bio-diversity, the oceans,
the atmosphere and human societies. Therefore we urgently have to shift to an economy of
balance. In order to achieve that, we have a very simple proposal.
Everybody half a week working as a volunteer for the community in exchange for a basic
income. With this income the basic costs will be financed: home, energy, health care,
education, transportation. In order to do so, the latter will be taken out of the private
sphere, while the costs will be adapted to the height of the basic income, everything
controlled by the sovereign democratic community*. In the other half of the week you may
do what you like.....making money, leisure, creative work, any job....The effects are a
balanced economy, with spiritual, cultural growth only, including the one based on
recycling, the restoration e.g. healing of the community and saving the earth.....Furthermore,
the economy should be based on subsidiairity: It says: "What can be produced
locally, should be produced locally. What cannot be produced locally, should be produced
nationally. What cannot be produced nationally, should be produced internationally".
All other existing economic mechanisms should be adapted to these core principles! * See under 6. |
an Eco-economy
@ Do you think
economy is doing fine or do you have severe
doubts about its effectiveness
@ In what way do you
integrate new economic principles into
your personal lifestyle?
@ Would you favour a
new global socio-economic system?
If so, in what way? |
5. The New Health Care
The Cosmic Principle of optimal vitality
What is
desperately needed is a health, rather than a disease-oriented society. It is
said, that the former director of the WHO, Robert Muller, considered the various ways of
traditional medicine in the world to be able to prevent, improve and cure around 60-70% of
all civilization" related diseases. This is confirmed by the
experience of countless doctors and researchers in many countries. Dr. Bernard Levin,
specialist of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, U.S.A. - saying that 65-85% of all
cancers may be prevented by lifestyle changes - is just one of them. Like in my 40 years
of practice, most of these doctors are taking health as the starting point, the way and
the aim towards which they are working. With health as the central issue, everything
changes at the spot. Based on the principles and practice of the Flow System*, a totally
new and powerful vision of the New Health Care has been developed. It consists of three
concentric layers or echelons. The inner largest circle belongs to Self Care. It is the
foundation. Since health can only be achieved by a healthy lifestyle Self Care should be
the core of the New Health Care. It includes everything an individual can do to optimize
his/her own health.
If Self Care proves not to be
sufficient, if problems appear to be too complicated, difficult or dangerous, then a
patient will be sent" to the second concentric layer, that of Holistic Medicine.
The term "alternative medicine" should better be skipped, for Holistic
Medicine has a tradition of its own - in fact used to be the mainstream of medicine
- for 2000 years in which it successfully treated those diseases which nowadays are
causing most trouble. It includes all methods and techniques, which are promoting the
natural healing power. It seems only too logical, that whenever the self-healing power of
the patient - his own immune-system - is still intact and can become activated, that this
should be the next system of choice. The second echelon then, is exclusively executed by
professionals, those who up till now work as alternative, complementary and
holistic" doctors, practitioners, therapists, nutritionists, physiotherapists and
psychologists. They may use an extended" flow system therapy, added by all
biological methods and techniques available, as there are homeopathy, traditional Chinese
medicine, orthomolecular, phytotherapy, chiropraxy, neural therapy, physiotherapy, simple
psychotherapy etc.
* See: www.vitalworld.org
We need an
integrated health care based on the three echelons of Self Care, Holistic and
Technological Medicine
(in this sequence)
In most cases, improvement of
health, cure and an optimal vitality will be achieved. This echelon - Holistic
Medicine - may include 30% of the total services of the New Health Care. If however, this
appears not to be sufficient, the Technological (Regular) Medicine serves as a last
resort. As a complementary (...) and emergency - terminal" - approach, it has
all possibilities at its disposal, to repair or compensate (excessive) damage, make life
bearable for those in great pain, to treat rare or difficult chronic diseases,
rehabilitate, to give pharmacological, technological and surgical solutions where others
fail, and save a patients life. Something in which Technological Medicine is specialized
and which cannot be done by others. In our New Health Care, where most of the work is done
in the first two echelons, its volume (of Regular Medicine) occupying the last 10% of the
total health care package. Re-arranging health care in this way, the benefits will become
visible very soon. All the things necessary for putting it into action are available
rightnow. So lets face the challenge!
* We thus agnowledge the benefits of
regular medicine in areas where it is really needed. |
Optimal Health for all
@ Do you think health should be promoted in a much
more positive way?
@ In what way could you personally contribute to your
health and that of others?
@ Would you like to study our handbook "Flow System
Therapy" for free, while doing our 6 weeks' Personal Health Plan? |
6. The New Society
The Cosmic Principle of interconnectedness ("web of life")
It cannot be denied anymore:
people around the globe are loosing confidence in party politics: one of the main
reasons why democracy is eroding rapidly.... This problem is so
acute, and will not change by politics, that the people are forced to think about system
change. In no way does this mean, that the parliamentary system should be abandoned. On
the contrary. We, the people should save democracy. Therefore, we have to strengthen basic democratic structures to begin with
the street, the neighborhood, the commune to the city, the county and the state,
everything based on subsidiarity and community democracy In order to
subsequently establish a self sovereign, organically built world governance So
let's get down to business! What we need is
a democracy that is derived from the people, not the parties. So you have to replace them by the people. To achieve this, we would propose the following.
The individual is sovereign, so he/she pays his/her contributes to the society. What he/she cannot do/achieve is delegated to the family.
The family is doing its part, everything else will be delegated to the street.
The street community does what is in their power, everything else is passed to the neighbourhood. Subsequently, the
neighbourhood carries out whatever lies within its competence, the remainder of the tasks
is entrusted to the municipality. And this goes on: from the municipality to the county, the county to the greater districht (province) and from the province to the state and from the state
to the federasl
government (e.g. the - new - European Union). The whole thing is very
organized. Representatives of the
familiy constitute the
street parliament (council), representatives of the streets form the neighbourhood council, representatives of the neighbourhood have their seats in the municipality council, etc. up to the Federal Parliament The
only thing that changes
in the Parliament, is that the representatives are not submitted by the parties, but stem directly from the sovereign multilayerd democratic community.
Why is the community democracy
sovereign? Well, firstly, because it is built bottom up. Every citizen,
everybody on his/her own level, takes responsibility
for the whole, while putting his/her contribution into practice. He/she is involved in a structure based on self-determination, everything on the basis of freedom and voluntariness This means that he/she decides him/her self, how far he/her participation goes. It is the principle of
subsidiarity. This principle implies that every echelon, starting with the
lowest, itself decides what falls under its jurisdiction, without interference from the "higher" echelon. So, for example,
the street decides which responsibilities it
will take, everything in the
interest of the whole! This is agreed upon throiugh free decision by the street council.. The neighbourhood or
the commune (municipality) are not allowed to interfere. Mutual consultation e.g. coordination between
the echelons, obviously a key task, is carried out by those street representatives; who has a seat in neighborhood council. Complicated and a waste of time? Not at all. Firstly, because everyone already works half a week for
the community (see Chapter 4), secondly, the restoration/healing of the community having the highest priority, a goal in itself, and thirdly, because there are many practical advantages.
"lower" echelons talk and decide with each other on the basis of consensus, the
two third majority only starts with the county. This will force one to
listen closely to each other, to understand each other, to tolerate and
appreciate each other. There
is no better system for supporting integration. Community life, cooperation and the joy of living
will increase "logarithmically". But not only that. A close collaboration ensures stability against the general deterioration. Without community, there is nothing on which you can fall back on. Secondly, it promotes safety. No police force in the world can match a self-organized
community, where everyone knows each other,
where everyone has safety in his/her mind, where thus (potential) criminals are more likely to be detected and passed to the judiciary system.
A close community also protects against the "raids" of large
corporations, which, as we all know, use the local situation only to make profits and
then simply slip away, leaving the waste to the local community. Companies can settle down, but only with the permission of the sovereign community-democracy bodies, who in
contrast to the political
parties can not be bribed .... and in accordance
with its regulations. Because, once the councils (local parliaments) are elected, they have the authority to impose their laws on the lower echelons, but only for those areas,
which have been delegated to those higher echelons in freedom and through sovereign
for Europe" arises only after one has become master in one's own Region
This creates a bottom-up pyramid with civil self-determination
on all echelons. In the top down pyramid, people respect and obey civil laws they themselves have enacted. It is a system of the people, by the people, with freedom,
solidarity, cooperation and solidarity. Latter without
the "dictatorship of the proletariat",
without the "dictatorship of the economy", as it has been established in Europe (and the rest of the world) for a long time, already. All areas of life are indeed increasingly
dominated by commercialism, such as the government, the parliament,
the freelancers, science,
health services, the education
system, the media, the arts, the judiciary, the military, the EU....indeed what not? This development must at all costs be stopped. Economy is reorganized - according to the principles of subsidiarity (Chapter
4) - whereby the approximately 70 European regions will be autonomous and self-sovereign. (Already in 1992
the famous Dutch beer brewer A. Heineken published a
brochure, in which he proposed
a similar idea, including Wales, Scotland, Northern Italy, Catalonia, the German counties,
Silesia, Pomerania, Flanders, Wallonia, the French regions, such as Brittany and
many others. It could amount to a 'European Union of Autonomous Regions".
On the one hand we have to make everything smaller, introducing self-sovereignty up to the
lowest levels ("subsidiarity"), while on the other hand the overall communication is taken care of by the "Commonwealth" is (that of a new EU **).
Is not it true that in the world of today, it is the small states! (Luxembourg, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, the Baltic States, Slovenia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Costa Rica) ....which are the most peaceful and
the most affluent? Moreover, had Hitler been merely dictator of Bavaria, he never would have had
the power to destroy Europe. |
Community Democracy
@ Do you think democracy is in danger?
@ In what way do you participate in community
@ Would you like to become involved in a worldwide initiative
with the aim of extending our democratic systems? |
7. The New Woman/The
New Man
The Cosmic Principle of
Green Men and Wise Women
to be improved
There are two different ways of emancipation. The one I call
P-emancipation (patriarchal),
the other M-emancipation ("matriarchal"). In the first women "want to be equal to man." They thus don't mind that they seek their emancipation within the
patriarchy (P). These women are not
or hardly critical of the system. Because they are obessessively
with their own personal success,
they do not see that they have run into a
capitalist, extremely competitive, and anti-human and misogynistic trap. These are the ones who in favor of their ego, their careers
and their profession, neglect their
family life. Many lose with their traditional "power base"
- partner, family, children and
home - also their inner balance, happiness, strength and wisdom. Actually, like is the case with men. Tragically, their "rise to the top" is often not
so successful as they had anticipated. They remain stuck
somewhere, alone with
their frustration, loneliness and
burnout. They are double loosers. At the end they
have nothing anymore, indeed facing nothingness.
"Emancipation" on the wrong
track? Women should never give up their "power base". Because there are her roots that in all circumstances, guarantee
stability, security, happiness and prosperity. However, this
should be re-designed, because "just being a
housewife" is, obviously, (for
most) much too little. Freedom and career are to be
found in the extension of the family and not in its abolition. In a nutshell: women
(mothers) should solidarize with each other. They should found a
street community. Thus, extension, making concentric circles, instead of giving up one for the other. (This model can be found back in a Chinese text of
400 BCE.
It is called "The Great Learning"*). In the new community, women take the initiative.
Tasks are shared, so that each will have time for initiatives,
creativity and development. With the further enlargement
of the community to streets, neighbourhoods, communes, counties and countries, an endless
range of possibilities can be created. This M-emancipation has no loosers. Both domestic e.g. family
life, as well as professional
life complement, rather than exclude each other.
* See:
"The Great Learning"
The misunderstanding is, therefore, that women think that the only way to emancipate
themselves is participation in the capitalist "rat race". This misunderstanding leads back to the times of Hobbes, where the state and the community were definitely separated. Over time this has worsened/culminated into one-dimensionality. So they do not know
better, than that there is only one area where they can be active. Nowadays, where everything gets
more and more into decay, their eyes will open. The future is not
so rosy. So women have to re-orient themselves. You must look out for an alternative that is doing justice to her being a woman. The traditions of
the world tell us that
women thrive when they are
part of the community. She is not
only master of her own household, but also of the larger community. Her communication skills, her interest in the social, her sharp intellect, her earthliness, her practical
reason, her emotional balance, their sense of the whole, her attention to detail, the patience to
deal with people, that
were her strength for thousands of years. Now, in the
course of time, some healthy individualism, self-realization
and her own material desires have been added to it. This is obviously okay.
The point is that the environment in which women live and work, should consist of cooperation instead of competition, solidarity instead
of egoism, sustainability
rather than exploitation, justice instead
of violence, of joy instead of stress, everything characterized by optimism rather than cynicism. Just as is the case with our community democracy. It is in
this community, that their
talents, leadership, management and communication skills, creativity, care, have future.
So, join the new community! * New men are those who wholeheartedly support this project .... |
Men & Wise Women
@ Do you think our Western culture is moving towards a bright
(technological) future or rather the oposite?
@ In what way are you expressing your concern about the rapid
decay on all levels of society?
@ Would you like to commit yourself, together with
others, to CultureRenewal? |
8. The New Education
The Cosmic Principle of
ongoing Renewal
from the original German text
See: "Die Ganzheitliche Transformation")
Education can only be successful if the children from the beginning are integrated in the community, as I have described in more detail above. The mothers are the
center spreading love, security and basic trust. This is a term that has been coined by Jean Liedloff *.
Through years of observations with Indians in the Amazon, she came to the
conclusion that for basic emotional security/trust a continuum in the first three years is an absolute condition. She means that the
psychological health depends on babies being cared for by ONE same person, including a lot of body contact. That
should not necessarily be one's own biological mother. Later, of course,
the connection must be loosend. Girls identify with the mother and other women,
while boys with the father, several uncles,
or/and the men who have joined the clan.
Both sexes follow various lines of development, sometimes you
do something together, sometimes separately. It is proved that
the partial separation of the sexes has a good influence on development and identity. The community
democracy makes it possible that the children get all the time they need. Other adults can participate, so that the
children are actually raised by an extended family. The earlier problems with the nursery, or the decision whether to want children or not, now appear rather unreal. "How did we let ourselves fool by our own disorientation in life?. The basis was fundamentally wrong, that's why everything became a problem".
* J. Liedloff
"The Continuum Concept",
1984 Da Capo Press
A major problem in this respect, is the widespread addiction to the "virtual world"*. It started with
"science fiction", which was used by the
technocrats as a means of propaganda. It should make people familiar with a future that consists of a gigantic mega-machine. In those
films people have become robots. Callousness, cynicism, cruelty and violence are presented as self-evident. Add today's electronic networking to it. For many young people this virtuality is "normal", for them, it is simply their life. In reality, the "social networks" the reality
is replaced in such a way, that their illusionary superficiality - without any substance - has become
an addiction. Through it our youth, and not only them, have been deprived of their deeper feelings, insights and
emotions. The networks are thus "deeply" anti-spiritual
and anti-human. That this
is not natural .....
shows an experiment from the US. Only for one day! youth was deprived of
anything electronic.The result was
serious mental and physical problems, confusion, depression, aggression, up to psychosis
... So what happens when one day the whole system
breaks down? These days not only the children
have often lost contact with the world. This also means that
for many nature
increasingly has become something alien, something
unknown. And where there is no contact, no
appreciation will be there either. So if nature to the next generation has no value, who will protect it
then? Indifference towards
further destruction is a nightmare scenario. We have to prevent
this by all means.
* Of course, we are
not against a reasonable use or application of
information technology. As long as it still works .....
We, the Holistic Transformation, will do anything to - in the self-interest of our
youth - to shape education in such away, that the former can realize their
own dreams. Although the propaganda tirelessly repeats that the youth are happiest when they can enjoy the blessings of
consumption, we are convinced that this is not
the case. It is unacceptable e.g. criminal to
force our youth into a system that ultimately destroyes their own life-perspective. Young people sense it, know it, their problems, such as depression, lack of purpose, superficial life, aggression, violence and drug abuse, have only one underlying cause, namely that young people are not
allowed to realize their own ideals.
Without forcing anything upon them, we on the
other hand can assume that
each youth is future-oriented. Therefore, the
shaping of the future - as the youth
itself sees it - should be the
focus of all effort. Everything else is derived from it. With it
come new ideals,
visions, search for identity, self-development, to
get away from addiction and consumption, community, culture, curiosity for unknown areas and vocational training, yes,
certainly, "Facebook" and "Twitter",
but only for limited use. Teachers new style take on the priorities and make them into a curriculum. They certainly will bring physical education, spirituality, lifestyle, a new worldview, ecology and
survival strategies into the
curriculum. Everything with clear leadership. Should
young people be able to relate this with to their own ideals, then the former will be certainly willing to commit and train themselves, yes,
even to develop self-discipline. Shaping
your own future is just
a non-binding affair. That
basically everyone knows. The whole of education should act accordingly. |
@ Are you content with your country's educational system?
@ Do you think it prepares you for a future in which you will
@ What exactly has to change in order to promote dreams about
your own future life? |
9. The New Earth
The Cosmic Principle of Gaia e.g our living planet
The core concept of
sustainability is "Dynamic Equilibrium". It finds its origin in the Bottomlessness of the Cosmos. Two cosmic forces
arise from the Vacuum or the Cosmic Womb: renewal and resolution, creation and
destruction. These two forces oppose
each other, so that they keep each other in check. The result
is a dynamic balance that makes life possible. What is surprising is, that all levels of
existence aren't only
influenced by this
balance, but are ultimately determined by it. The planes that I would
like to emphassize here are:
the universe, the earth, evolution, ecosystems, (wo)man, society and the economy. The vacuum I have
already mentioned.
According to modern research energy vanishes into the Cosmic Vacuum, while at the same
time being born out of
it. The "Field" that arises - "Higgs
Field" - seems therefore
to be immutable. It is interesting, that the same is said of God.
At the lower levels of energy and (quantum) particles, the
incessant creation and destruction can be observed more clearly, e.g.
by means of a "black hole". The black hole is the "short
circuit" between the
vacuum on the one hand and energy/matter of a galaxy, on the
other. Science defines
the black hole
as the result of the death of a star. It is not a convincing explanation. For why should
a star die? Yes,
it is said: "because the thermal power is exhausted." But
why they is it exhausted? Only the existence of absolute Vacuum can give a satisfactory answer. Because the Vacuum
sucks matter into itself, destroying
it, while ejecting e.g. creating energy at the same time. The black holes are thus manifestations of Cosmic Bottomlessness - the "Mother" - through which we are able to read processes that would otherwise remain hidden to us.
These two cosmic forces act everywhere in the universe, also on earth. Everything is constantly broken
up into simple building blocks - atoms and molecules - in order to be re-assembled afterwards. So there is a concomitant tendency to simplicity the one hand and to complexity on the other. Only when there is a dynamic equilibrium life can arise. In case of the origination of the earth this has
worked out wonderfully. In millions
of years, a system has been created that is keeping itself within narrow limits. The control systems of the world are adapted to each other in such a way that one can rightly speak of a
"living organism" (Lovelock). His Gaia hypothesis
was first ridiculed as often happens to new ideas. However, nowadays, more
and more people take it seriously.
This also has consequences for the interpretation of evolution. So far everything has been interpreted "horizontally". "Survival of the fittest" is the result of genetics and environment. Now, this is fully justified. With a weak genotype
and adverse conditions a plant or an animal will have less chance of survival. But is that the only explanation? For there are
still other factors involved. In the background of all life, there are the cosmic forces of destruction and
renewal. These forces are not imaginary or abstract, no, the whole of existence is pervaded by them. In concrete terms, this means, that a weak disposition can be co-determined, because at the moment of conception, the destructive power had the upper hand. As a reminder,
the two cosmic forces have a DYNAMIC relation to each other, "fluctuating" constantly. Therefore, there are moments in life, where the renewal has the upper hand, and vice versa.
Sustainability - the dynamic equilibrium - is sacred
Now we come to the next stage: the eco-systems. They are the perfect example of the "web
of life", the result of the
interplay of cosmic forces. In the eco-system everything -
earth, air,
water balance, temperature, micro-organisms, plants and animals - is perfectly matched. This does not mean that there is merely one pole of life involved. For life to be optimal the death pole is also included. This is all characterized by eco-intelligence, the integration of relatedness, cooperation, exchange and
adaptation. These are qualities
that in particular belong to organisms, that are part of the whole. In this respect, moss, bees, sardines, reindeer and
monkeys are many times smarter than humans. That is because they are a direct reflection of the cosmic quantum web of life .... In contrast to eco-intelligence we humans are driven by the ego. The latter has detached itself from the whole, cannot return to the origin. Because of its inability to "die", it thus inflates, blowing itself up more and more. The loss of ecological intelligence comes at high costs. The wholeness to
which it owes its existence
is ruthlessly destroyed
by it.
So, finally, we arrived
at humans. His behavior is characterized by having, "To have as the inability to Be". However, "more, more, more", cannot satisfy thge longing for true
fulfilment. So having is becoming an obsession. Every time the hope for happiness is there, every time there is disillusionment, until it becomes
unbearable (burn-out!), while deep within the sense of being on the wrong track grows. Accumulation of all kinds chokes life. One is buried before one dies.
And here we have arrived at one of the deepest paradoxes
of life. "To die, because one refuses to die .....". The ego refuses
to fit in, to "die" voluntarily, and expands ever further on (accumulation).
That's how (wo)man suffocates in his/her own waste,
stress, possessions and
slag. Our metabolism is, here again, a
clear example. It is a dynamic equilibrium, where 25% of all of our cells are in the process of
dying and 25% are constantly renewed. Miraculously dying
cells excrete a substance, "necrohormone" that stimulates the renewal of young cells.....Optimal dying as a condition for new life! However, if metabolic slags prevent the dying, less hormone is released, so that the regeneration is blocked or does not take place. With chronic degenerative disease as the result. Accumulation
and collapse are two sides of the same coin ....
Continued in "Ganzheitliche
Transformation" (German) |
To have
is the inability to Be
@ Does it make sense to you: becoming part of "Heaven,
earth and the (new) community?
@ Would you commit yourself to an ecological economy?
@ Is eco-spirituality something you are interested in? |
10. The New Vision
Manifesto for the 21st century
I have a Vision. It includes
peace, joy of life, justice, harmony with nature and prosperity for all. We can
achieve this through putting these 7 Steps into practice! It is a universal program,
including people from both sexes, all nations, colors, beliefs and social position. Much
could be added, though like the urgent control over science, technology and economy by the
self sovereign, basic democratic community (not the state)."Healing the Planet"
furthermore includes sustainable energy, nature conservation, organic agriculture and
vegetarianism. The program is so inclusive, simple, powerful and promising, totally in
harmony with the Cosmos, that more and more people will be filled with enthusiasm. One thing is certain: the endless progress of the technocratic- capitalist system is unsustainable. In addition, the parlementarian sham democracy as we know it today, can not solve the problems. It is stagnant, corrupt and will soon crash under its own contradictions. When the time comes, we will not want to be empty-handed. So it would be foolish to continue to rely on this system.
Intelligence means to develop alternative visions NOW and through achieving them create a new foundation. To give up
old certainties - which are thus none - in favor of new, is not easy. We probably need to be forced to do so. Otherwise the unknown is too risky to us. What helps, then, is the
recognition that our present
certainties are built on sand. If we continue to believe these illusions, the immediate
future will confront in a very painful way. I do not wish anybody to
be overwhelmed by this kind of suffering. So that's why I am trying to make clear a few steps to be made, simple and logically. It focuses on the 10 steps, as they are
discussed in this manifesto. To save the earth, all have to be implemented, if possible, all AT THE SAME TIME. The following objectives are suitable for a leaflet:
+ We want a culture
of being, in which the ego plays a subservient role
+ We want to live in harmony met
earth and the (new) community
+ We want to "live, love and praise"
+ We want to live in peace and ban violence
+ We want optimal health and vitality
+ We want material security through a basic income for all
+ We want to be free from artificially induced anxiety, stress, oppression and
+ We want to eradicate the inhuman structures of our society
+ We want freedom in connectedness e.g. a community democracy
+ We want that the best - controlled by the community
- lead us
+ We want a new Spirit - enthusiasm - blowing
+ We want a new solidarity between men and women
+ We want the youth
to regain new perspectives
+ We want unity in diversity, a meaningful existence and a fulfilling life for all
+ We commit ourselves for the healing of the planet e.g. a sustainable future |
a New Heaven, a New Earth and a New Community
@ Do you think we can achieve a New World?
@ In what direction you think we have to move in order
to achieve this goal?
@ Would you personally commit yourself to "Healing the
on all levels, from personal wholeness to the
wholeness of all beings? |
Teaching recorded under the guidance of
Cosmic Inspiration
by Han Marie Stiekema

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