The Prophecy
"Normally", I am a skeptic, indeed, a
non-believer. Esoteric speculations are opium of the people, their function is to fill in
the lack of genuine spiritual experience and realization. It is mind-stuff. But this time
I have to admit: I am impressed. While Boehme emphasized Cosmic Regeneration through
interference of the Night/Darkness/the Cosmic Womb (click sideline: "Proclamation
part 1"), at the other end of the ocean Maya culture developed the same Wisdom about
the future Great Turning Point. Friends, isn't that totally amazing?
So, what my dearest friends, implies this Mayan
prophecy? First of all I want you to know that until very recently I knew very little
about it. Therefore, I am very grateful to John Major Jenkins (* for
his VERY important elaborations. His discoveries coincide perfectly with my 33 years of
Mother Wisdom. First of all, ancient mythology comes from studying the stars. The Maya's
weren't different in this regard, this is an understatement, for they were really masters.
The Milky Way was called the Great Mother. The dark rift in the middle was called Her
birth canal. At the end of it there is a cave-like spot - a Black Hole - a crossing, also
called the Sacred Tree. This spot is the Mouth to and from the Underworld, symbolized by
the mouth of a serpent. Solar and human beings (kings) are continuously swallowed and
spitted out, emphasizing the ongoing death and rebirth of everything alive. For the Maya
death precedes birth, e.g. birth takes place from the bottom of Darkness.....
* Read: John Major Jenkins "Maya
Cosmogenesis 2012", 1998, Bear & Company
What we thus learn from the Maya - at the same time an
"affirmation" of my "thesis" - is, that the Great Mother is he Origin
of All.....She is both the destroyer and the birthgiver of "God" and the
universe. In Europe, this was hidden under a thick layer of later cultural developements,
I mean similar myths from Sumeria and Babylon. On the other hand, with the Maya, it can be
studied almost in their original state. The rebirth of the First Father in the Womb of the
Cosmic Mother clearly shows the hierarchy between the two. It is corresponding with the
MotherGoddess of Sumeria and Her Son/Lover.The latter also had to continuously return to
His Origin in order to be reborn. The Maya with their incredible observation skills added
something very essential to it, though: the ongoing World Transformation through a cycle
of 26.000 years. In 2012 we will experience such a Turning Point......the

Graphic of sun
Not yet impressed? Well, the story isn't finished, yet.
Let's go back to the Great Turning Point. Through their calculations - they made the most
ingenious calender ever - the Mayas calculated that in the year 2012 the midwinter sun
eclipse will be exactly above the Black Mouth of the Milky Way. A constellation that
symbolizes the swallowing of the old Sun God by the Great Dark Mother, indicating the end
of an Era and the beginning of A New One. First of all the Maya emphasize the Cosmic
Mother as the Primordial Ground of existence. This in itself is a major contribution to
the West, that still clings to its patriarchal God....Furthermore, their Mother-oriented
universe reflects reality as it is: everything, including "God" is born from Her
unfathomable Lap, while continuously returning to its Origin. To the Maya the Mother is
the "Black Hole" in which the old Sun God dies, and from where the new is
emerging. Because this takes place in the Depth of Mother's "Underworld" nobody
can predict how the start of the New Era will look like.
In reality it is about the 2012 december solstice,
whereby the sun appears in front of the Galactic Center of the Milky Way. It is a
metaphor, for the sun is not really touching its "Maternal Origin". So it is
just symbolic. It cannot be taken as an astronomic fact, at all. On the other hand, the
wisdom beyond is impressive. Maya's have had a very deep insight into the Cosmos, where
Light is born out of Darkness. It is all about the ongoing Renewal and Regeneration of the
universe, projected into a single event. Now, you can do two things. One is to altogether
reject it, or make it ridiculous. End of the story. Or, you consider it as a manifestation
of a great spiritual-cultural heritage. A mythological approach to reality that is much
more real than "the birth of Christ". Its underlying intuition is absolutely
unique. So, in this case the Maya Event is an invitation to celebrate.

Sun eclipse on
December 21, 2012
above Dark Mouth of Milky Way
Now, some critisize, that the calculations aren't that
exact. The Event - if at all - could happen some days before, already. In my concept, dear
friends, this is rather irrelevant. Because the Maya myth is interwoven with the Reality
of the Mother, the latter is giving it its credibility. Moreover, the response of people
worldwide is very impressive, indeed, which can only mean, that the Event resonates with a
truth within. Add to it the unbearable world situation that cries out for transformation -
the Mother swallowing the evils of lies, oppression, greed, injustice and exploitation -
then it will be clear to everyone that this Event has to be taken seriously. It cannot be
ignored. Our "response": the inclusive Universal Mother, giving birth to the
Great Goddess and Wise Woman on the one hand and the Divine and the Green Man on the other
(See Shrine on previous page). Through this new divine constellation the universe will
enter a New Era of balance and harmony. Isn't that corresponding with our deepest
Cosmic Mother
Some have said, that contrary to other MesoAmerican
civilizations the Maya did NOT left behind many MotherGoddess artefacts: statues and
murals. So, they concluded that Maya society was thoroughly patriarchal. The all-present
GodKings would prove their claim. Although the former is true, these scientists tend to
forget that the Maya projected their belief in the Mother in different ways. First of all
and most prominent as Cosmic Mother/the Milky Way. In Her Black Hole (vulva) the old God
dies while the new one is born. It has its parallel in the countless pictures of Gods
coming out of the mouth of a toad, snake, crocodile, jaguar or tree of life. It proves the
fact, that the Mother was considered the Origin of life in all its aspects. Add the
symbolism of the cenotes and caves as "entries to the Underworld" (of the
Mother) to it and you will agree with me that under the layer of the male-dominated
warrior states the Mother was still prominent. Something that was emphasized by the last
ruler of Palenque, Pakal, when he stated that his mother was "in reality" the
Divine Mother of the three God's triad.
Being rooted in "Heaven, earth and
underworld" - like all old indigenous traditions of Mexico cherish - may seem
hopelessly "archaic", not complying with modern insights at all. Nothing is
further from the truth. Spiritual life has its foundation in death of the ego
("underworld"), rebirth as a New Self ("Heaven") and once again
fitting in in the web of life ("earth"). All three categories originate from the
Original Great Mother. Isn't Her Law of the Universe including the dynamic balance between
"Death, Rebirth and Life" equally? Mexico therefore is a guide country for
sincere searchers (especially for its northern neighbors...who tend to deny death as much
as they can.....).

In the middle: Teotihuacan Great Mother. Left:
Temple of the Sun;
right: Street of the Dead...
Prove of widespread dissemination of the tradition is
the "Day of the Dead" (Dia de los Muertos) in Mexico. It has an Aztec background
dating back thousands of years. It was (is) dedicated to the Goddess Mictecacihuatl,
the Lady of death and rebirth, corresponding to the modern saint Catrina. Here again the
fascinating fact, that the Mexicans start with death as the source of rebirth. It is
corresponding with the Bottomlessness of the Mother, giving birth to the universe. The
festival is held from October 31-November 2, the Catholic holy days of All Saints/All
Souls Day. (Not so) astonishing detail: on the island of Janitzio (Michoacan State) only
mothers, grandmothers and children see to the dead.....Men are banned from the

Day of the Dead
It also explains the incredible veneration Mexicans
have toward their Lady of Guadalupe. We now understand that Her blackness - main
characteristic of the Spanish Black Madonna's - could be easily transplanted to Mexico.
The latter had developed a highly mystical and cosmologically brilliant concept of the
Great Mother. Through the Black Madonna's European and MesoAmerican understanding about
the Ultimate Reality of life received a common root. Dear friends, I am really excited
about these "discoveries". The Lady is widely recognized as being a
manifestation either of the Aztec Goddess Tonantzin or Coatlicue, both names for the
Original Aztec "Mother of God". Regarding the male figure at her feet, she might
have an (obvious!) relationship with the Green Man.....

Our Lady of Guadalupe
(See relationship with the Green Man)
Universal Teaching
A big surprise: science is confirming the cosmology
behind Maya prophecy. It starts with the "Origin of All". An increasing number
of physicists call this "Absolute Nothingness" (S.Hawking) or "Cosmic
Vacuum". According to them Nothingness is giving birth to the universe. However, they
still don't know how to position Consciousness e.g. the Divine into the overall picture.
The solution: The Vacuum first giving birth to "God", while the latter emanates
the universe. In the language of physics: the Vacuum contains a Virtual Field from which
virtual waves originate. This Field is both constant, as well as uninterruptedly returning
to the Absolute Nothingness of the Vacuum. "Death and Rebirth" at the most
fundamental level of the Cosmos! The virtual waves materialize into particles (neutrons
and protons), the latter forming more complicated structures. Through the
"centrifugal" Cosmic Power the universe expands. Until it "inflates"
to such an extent that the "Birth Power" loses its grip. It is a turning point
where expansion turns into contraction. The "Death Power" (Gravity!) is the
centripetal Force, pulling matter (Dark Matter) back to the Bottomlesness of the Vacuum or
Cosmic Womb. Deep within "Her" Abyss another Turning Point is causing a Big
Crunch/Big Bang: the beginning of a New Cosmic Cycle.
See also: "The
Supreme Design", "Universal
Teaching", "Great Night"
Now, my dear friends, it will be clear that the Great
Cosmic Cycle and the earth time cycle are two different things. The former is the ongoing
Renewal of the entire universe, with frequent Big Bangs. The latter is an earth cycle
based on "precession" e.g. a projection of the movement of the earth against the
Milky Way. What the two have in common, though, is a sense of cyclic time. Life is an
ongoing process, based on "Birth and Death". The big surprise is that Mayan
mythology - as one of the few in the world - had a notion about Black Holes, as well. What
does the "Dark Gate (Mouth) to the Underworld" otherwise mean? Exactly, it is
the Galactic Center or Cosmic Womb. Isn't it reason for deep awe for their intelligence?
According to modern research Black Holes are the outcome of the death of a star. From here
speculations start. But isn't the central question: why do stars die? Is it simply because
their thermal potentiality exhausts? But why is it exhausting? Spiritual Insight about the
Great Mother gives the answer. The answer is: because beyond our visible universe there
exists a Cosmic Vacuum. It is this "Womb" - the unity of Darkness and Light
(Consciousness) - that draws everything (matter) in, while at the same time shooting
energy out. It sheds a totally new light on what Black Holes really are*. Indeed, they are
Gates to the Underworld, the Cosmic Womb!, the latter being the Primordial Ground of
Regeneration, relentlessly renewing the universe.
* In the same way the Mother takes
care of spiritual (personal) death and rebirth. Isn't that a miracle? I think the
Mother should receive the Nobel Price!......

Black Hole (left).
"Wormhole" (right) as bridge between two universes,
a highly unlikely hypothesis, for the underlying
"universe" is the Cosmic Vacuum
Black Holes "preceded galaxies"
The evidence was unveiled at the 213th American
Astronomical Society meeting in Long Beach, California. How incredibly exciting. What was
previously known is, that there was a link between the masses of Black Holes and the
central "bulges" of stars and gas in galaxies. The news is, that
"scientists have been able to measure black-hole and bulge masses in several galaxies
seen as they were in the first billion years after the Big Bang (Fabian Walter, Max-Planck
Institute for Radioastronomy, Bonn, Germany). The conclusion: "The constant ratio may
not hold in the early universe", therefore, "Black Holes started growing
first". (Dr. Chr.Carilli, US National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, New
Mexico). It complies fully with both my Threefold Realization, where Nothingness preceded
the Light* and the findings of the Maya, where the Cosmic Mother gave birth to the First
Father. I cannot get over it!!! Tears......
* "Darkness
precedes Light" (Salerno Cathedral)

Maya Ruler Jade Death
Mask (Pakal, left); his wife the "Red Queen" (middle)
and Maya Green Deity (right)

Jade mask
(Foto: Antje Baumann)
As if this isn't enough.....In Mexican museums there
are several jade death masks of famous Maya kings. Am I now caught by speculation fever
myself when I say that this is really too accidental? Because in ancient (Near East)
mythology the Great Mother and the Green Man (Vegetation God) were two sides of the same
coin, the latter being Her Son/Lover. This God had to die every year (in Her Cosmic Womb)
in order to guarantee the next years' harvest. This fits perfectly into the Maya picture
of the king swallowed by the Dark Mother. For sure, because archaic Mexican peoples
originate from tribes that crossed the Bering Street starting around 17.000 years ago. At
that time all people worshipped the Great Mother! In Teotihuacan, in the Pyramid of the
Sun (near Mexico City) a Chamber has been found, some kind of Womb for the
rebirth of the GodKings. Some scientists confirm that a "kind of Magna Mater
Goddess" was the main deity here. If this has a truth in it, then the tradition of
the Mother and Her Green Man would gain an exciting new dimension.
Great Mother
swallowing Constantin the Great, founder of the Christian Church,
symbol of the old world (left), while giving birth to New Life (right)
World Teacher
Summarizing: The Maya acknowledged the Cosmic Womb as
the "Origin of All". They projected "Her" into the Milky Way, called
Xibalba or the Great Rift. "She" is Absolute Darkness, destroying and giving
birth to the Eternal Light, something the Maya call "God". The Maya understood
that this is a cyclic - in fact timeless - process which they projected into cycles of
time. Thus 2012 is the re-enactment of a Cosmic Drama, a Celebration of the Renewal of the
universe. This Renewal is symbolized by the Birth of "a New God". As we know now
the Divine is manifesting Itself in all and everything. By going within you'll discover it
yourself: your innermost Core as your Divine Spark. The latter eventually may lead to
Ultimate Oneness with the Ultimate. Hence, the Maya World Renewal is first of all a
personal Realization e.g. the birth of the Divine within. Secondly, this revolution of the
Spirit is going to connect all living and non-living beings. Everybody is invited to
prepare for it, no-one excluded. Many questions may pop up. What exactly is going to
happen? In what way? What is the best way to prepare for it? And how? Indeed, without a
guide these questions are difficult to answer. Therefore, the 2012 World Renewal implies
the coming of a "World Teacher", a (more than) Fully Realized One, who - as a
Shining Light - will take the initiative. The latter consisting of leading mankind into a
New Era. This "World Teacher" has already descended from "Heaven" and
is preparing for his Proclamation in 2012.
The signs for a Great Turning Point are overwhelming. A
highly "explosive" mixture is being brewed. It is the Universal Mother - the
Supreme Ultimate Reality - Who Herself will bring about the Transformation the world is
direly waiting for. The key event is Her giving birth to the New Light - both individually
and collectively - extending its Consciousness, Wisdom, Compassion and Empowerment to all
directions. It is supported by a series of "circumstances" that gives the
"magical" amalgame further nourishment. Don't we experience the rapid
disintegration of society, events speeding up at incredible pace, the global threat of
climate change e.g. natural disasters, the end of the patriarchal era; the "death of
the Old God"; the awakening of oppressed peoples and the synchronicity of prophecies
e.g. the heightened awareness around the world? The Maya's e.g. have predicted this. They
have set the stage for a Cosmic Drama, that symbolizes the Rebirth of the World. We tune
into it, because we want to accelerate the Transformation the world so direly needs. A
World Crisis requires e,g, implies a "World Teacher", someone who has been
granted New and Unsurpassed Cosmic Insight. With this insight we will overcome the crisis.
Everybody will share the Wisdom, the Love and Strength of his Universal Mind. I feel
incredibly priviledged that the Mother has chosen me to prepare the coming of this
"World Teacher". I know he spent more than 30 years to get himself ready
for this task. Now he is about to make himself known to the world. It creates an
irresistable wave of expectation, hope and empowerment around the globe. Indeed, A New
Great Cycle of Renewal, in which (wo)mankind will become part of the Whole - Heaven, earth
and the (new) community - once again.
