Die Ursprüngliche Tradition
The Great Learning
"Vision einer Neuen Kultur"


Die Arbeit des Han Marie Stiekema

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The Great Mother - Vacuum, Cosmic Womb - is giving new hope to
the world through destruction of ignorance, self-centeredness, greed,
accumulation, exploitation, power abuse and injustice ("death");
giving new way to the renewal of the universe ("awakening",
"rebirth", "joy", "regeneration"
), creating a new brother
and sisterhood of all beings on this planet ("inter-
dependency", "web of life", "preservation"
thus restoring the balance of life


Autobiographie: Lied der Vollkommenheit
Seine Phasen auf dem spirituellem Weg: Vorwort, Einführung, Meine Jugend, An Jene Seite, Die Ultime Sutra, Dunkle Nacht der Seele, Mein Lebensmythos, Die Große Mutter, Tanz der Narren, Epilog...

Auf der Suche nach dem Ewigweiblichen in Spiritualität und Religion
(Mutterverehrung/Die Ursprüngliche Große Mutter Tradition)

This book contains the basics of the Great Mother,  a variety of essays, ranging from herstory to mythology, from cosmology to the Grail, from matricentrism to Mother & Sons etc. Together they bring together countless aspects of the Great Mother, historically, mythologically, spiritually, culturally, politically, scientifically...It is giving the reader very valuable information and inspiration...>>

Das Ewigweibliche und die Transformation der Religion
(Mutterkirche*Kirche der Mutter)

As it more and more became clear to HMS, how especially Christianity took over the heritage of the Great Mother...and how the latter distorted the former, it became a challenge to him to describe how Christianity "would have become", if it still would have been rooted in its Original Source. It will raise interest in those, who care about the Christian tradition, yet want the selfsame institution transformed, in such a way, that it will become part of life once again...>>

Das Ewigweibliche und die Transformation der Religion
(Großer Mutter Buddhismus/Maitreya Mind Training)
Because of HMS' own Zen past - in 1981 he founded the Living Zen School - this book is as clear as Zen itself. The outcome is very surprising, since it is able to give a totally new perspective to Buddhism. F.i. it contains the fundamental meaning of the "Womb of all Buddhas"; HMS' "The Ultimate Sutra", a unique account of inspiration out of Nothingness; emphasis on "underground" lay movements, like the "Pao Chüan" literature of China, which cherishes the Great Mother as its Origin and Maitreya as the new Savior...>>

Dein Maitreya Mind verwirklichen
Das "Pamphlet" des Großen Mutter Buddhismus, worin die Erneuerung der Dharma angekündigt wird. Eine Schrift worin auf allen Fronten fundamentale Änderungen erörtert werden. Für jeden dem die Dharma am Herzen geht. >> (In Deutsch)

Undoubtedly one of the most moving books is HMS' poetry - from Heart to Heart - as he calls it himself. How to give an account of such a subtlety, at the same time being so from direct experience, that you feel you are part of it? It is stirring the soul in such a way, that it easily brings about moments of deep joy, nay bliss. The seven chapters each have a style of their own, called Mission, Contemplation, Unity, Invitation, Heaven on Earth, Life As It Is and The Holy Mountain. Some of the poems have been translated into English, with our deepest hope, that the rest will be following soon...>>

Das Erleuchtete Handeln
In this book HMS has given an account of his life, from the beginning until he "got to know" the Great Mother. It is the most complete overview of his "Great Experiences" on the one hand and of his "Dark Night of the Soul" on the other. Especially his direct utterences of Transcendental Ecstacy are unique. Fortunately, some of the most important parts have been translated into English, however, much more has to be done. An illustrated version of the book is being considered...>>

Kehr Um/Große Mutter Hymne
Wovon das Herz voll überläuft....Han Marie's meist rezente Loblied auf der Mutter, inklusiv persönliche Äusserungen bzw Selbst-bekenntnis. Gerade-heraus diesmal. Jedoch ergreife nicht die Flucht. Menschen die wirklich was zu sagen haben sind selten heutzutage. (...). >> (In Deutsch)

Gesamtausgabe der Werke der Teresa von Avila
Meisterin auf dem Gebiet der Hingabe und der Kontemplation.


Die Gralsvision
Die Botschaft der Mutter an die Welt:"Erstrebe die Erleuchtung, strukturiere Dein Leben um und diene den anderen"
Universelle Botschaft
Ankündigung der Wiederkehr der Mutter
Der Ultime Sutra
Erwachen, Akzeptanz, Freundschaft, Hingabe und Aktion
Große Mutter Schreine
Die vier heilige Objekte für Dein Hausaltar
Dreifache Verwirklichung
Die Einheit des Absoluten Nichts (Essenz der Mutter), Vollständiger Erleuchtung (Lichtkörper der Mutter) und der Großen Dunkelheit (Vernichtungskörper der Mutter)
Die Chance eine neue Gemeinschaft zu gründen
Das Tal des Ewigen Friedens
Mutter & Söhne
Die Große Mutter umarmt alle spirituell/religiöse Traditionen
Die Extase der orgasmischen Reinigung
Vom Nichts zum Ego und umgekehrt
Zuflucht in die Große Mutter
Ein Kind werden in den Armen der Mutter
Vakuum Physika
Die Wissenschaft bestätigt die Existenz der Mutter
Der Integrale Weg
Unsere spirituelle Initiation (Retreat) in sieben Schritten
Buch des Todes
Die Phasen der Auflösung: Ratschläge für Sterbende
Chinese Mother Religion
Eine Kontinuität von der Vergangenheit bis heute

Mutter von Israel
Unsere gemeinsame Erbe

Hintergründe des Grals
A historical-spiritual journey
Gebärmutter der Buddha's
Der Prajnaparamita Sutra
Unsere jährliche PilgerHilfe (spirituell, psychologisch und körperlich) am Camino de Santiago, Nord-Spanien
Transformatorium "Die Große Mutter"
Unser zukünftiges Zentrum
"Embracing Your Self"
Emotionale Selbst-integration (Voice Dialogue) nach Hal Stone und Sidra Winkelmann
Seine Phasen auf dem spirituellem Weg
Persönliche Reaktionen
Aus aller Welt
Von Herz zu Herz: Direct aus der Erfahrung heraus
Ein Bißchen eitel darf man doch schon sein...
F & A online
Schon wieder lange her. Wird fortgesetzt
Himmlische Töchter
Spirituelle Heroinnen wie Maria Magdalena, Hadewych, Hildegard, Catharina von Siena, Teresa von Avila....




Die Wirklichkeit aus der Perspektive der Großen Mutter. 72 Interviews variierend von Devotion bis Demokratie; von Liebe & Sex bis Re-inkanation; vom Bösen bis Staat und Religion und von Teresa von Avila bis der Natur heiligen. MatriTalks vertreten den Kern von HMS' Philosophie.

Der Zerrüttete Westen
Umfaßt eine der meist enthüllenden Einsichten über die unterliegenden Dynamik der Westlichen Gesellschaft. Leider nur noch in Holländisch. Wer möchte helfen um diese rund 20 Seiten zu übersetzen?

Der Mensch verwurzelt in Himmel und Erden
The painful reality of alienation was the driving force behind HMS' first book. It contains a review of (wo)man rooted in "Heaven and Earth" throughout the ages, in various cultures and traditions worldwide. It has become a basic source book for everybody, interested in unity in diversity, and how to restore the wholeness of life...>>

Der Schoß des Universums
After his rediscovery of the Great Mother, HMS was in a very enthousiastic mood. The Lap has been written accordingly, in just ten days. It is an unrestraint criticism of patriarchy e.g. support for the central position of the "feminine" on all levels of society. Chapters like the Threefold Mother, Gods and Goddesses, Mothers and Sons and Men and Women are bearing witness to this...>>

Die Seinsrevolution
(From having toward Being)

Wiederherstellung des Seins auf allen Ebenen der Gesellschaft. To be your Self - Being - has far-reaching consequences for having. It is so fundamental, that you may "recognize Being through having". Isn't Being so fullfilling, that the obscession of having automatically swepts away? Then the "too much" is not considered as wealth anymore, but as a burden. What is the meaning anyway of dragging of such a dead weight, if it doesn't make you happy anymore? On the other hand Being is purifying having, creating an optimal balance between the two. The latter operates in the service of the former. After your transformation, giving will get a totally different meaning. HMS talks about a.o. Realization of Being, Dynamics of Being, Community of Being, Culture of Being and Revolution of Being...>>






Die Selbst-souveräne Gesellschaft
This book is born out of concern about the current world situation. HMS firmly believes, that the cause of disintegration of society (on all levels) is spiritual: loss of contact with the Divine. He therefore doesn't focus on daily politics, but instead offers a new vision, inviting everybody to join him in developing alternatives in a intuitive, creative, yes even in a "naive" way. The aim is to contribute to a society, which is (much) more humane, tolerant, just, compassionate and free. This cannot be acheived by just emphasizing human values though. The very foundation of society has to become transformed, a.o. based on community democracy, subsidiarity, federalism and matricentrism. Again, it is a pity that this book too - which contains so many valuable insights - has not been translated into English yet...>>

Transformationsmanifest für das 21e Jahrhundert
This brochure pursues the search for a Natural Socio-Political Order; to redefine the place of the individual in the community; of the community in the state (EU) and of the state in the Cosmos. It is an educational project, containing the "44 Steps toward Transformation". Students are using this pamphlet as a guideline/discussion paper, as part of their Community Service...>>
(In Deutsch)

Earth Care
Earth Care Memorandum "A Late Spring" was published in Prana Magazine in 1989. It consists of a design for an environmental organization. Although the latter never was implemented, the project has some historical value. That's why it has been considered worthwile to adding it to our list...>>

Transformation WorkbookNoch nicht fertiggestellt
Dieser praktischer Leitfaden ist noch nicht ganz fertig.


The Great Learning
Konzentrische Kreise ziehen vom Individuum zur Umwelt
Vortrag Universität Innsbruck
Auf Einladung von Professor C. von Werlhof, Innsbrück
Die Gesellschaft umorganisieren bottom-up
Global Tour "Die Ganzheit des Lebens wiederherstellen"





The current health care systems will further disintegrate, because a.o. of their own inconsistencies. One of them is the neglect of self help, life style and prevention. Based upon his more than 30 years experience (1972) as a very successful (holistic) medical doctor, HMS' has designed seven integrated steps toward A New Health Care: 1. Personal Health Plan 2. Extension of Self Care 3. Street Health Teams 4. Training of Basic Health Consultants (Excursion: Guasha Therapy Training) 5. Career Perspectives 6. A New Health Care 7. WorldNetworkFund Foundation. Moreover, quite some valuable articles about key issues can be found here. He also offers you an internet health check-up...>> 

Fließ System Therapie
This handbook holistic health
is a breakthrough in medical thinking (medical system theory) and practice (flow system therapy), in which health depends on the imput, processing and output of e.g. nutrition, water, oxygen, waste and toxins. This dynamic balance can be subdivided in nutrition, digestion, transport, assimilation, combustion, detoxification and elimination. Rather than focusing on "diseases", his system is examining, diagnosing and treating these basic metabolic functions, thus optimizing health, while indirectly improving e.g. curing disorders. The book contains 200 different natural self help techniques...>>

Chinesische Guashatherapie
We have brought a wonderful therapy from China to Europe: guasha regeneration. It is so versatile, simple and effective, that inevitably it has become our mission to help as many as possible people. Summarizing, guasha is stimulating the immune system, detoxifies and de-acidifies, promotes the circulation, regulates functions and organs, removes blockades and pain, revitalizes and regenerates ("life-extension"), diminishes stress, fatigue and burn-out, improves e.g. cures indirectly countless (chronic) disorders and complaints, rebalances emotions, relaxes and promotes clarity of mind...everything through ONE simple treatment. It is "replacing" other methods like massage, connective tissue treatment, reflexology, periost massage, acupuncture, moxa, lymph drainage and immune therapy...>> (Teilweise in Deutsch)

Initiationstherapie: Körper, Geist & Seele
Additional to the many articles about health, to be found in the first site, HMS has written quite some more about psychological e.g. psychotherapeutic issues, all in the context of spiritual awakening. Some of his major are "Stress, burn-out and regeneration",  "METAsynthesis", "Initiation therapy" ("Therapy of Being"), "Emotional self-integration", "Psychopathology of spirituality" and "The self-addicted society"...>>


Persönlicher Gesundheitsplan
Kostenloses internet Programm zur Optimierung der Gesundheit
Stress, Burn-out & Regeneration
Das Problem des Burn-out von verschiedenen Seiten betrachtet
Eine Neue Gesundheitsfürsorge
Das neue Gesundheitssystem aufbauen, gemäß den Ebenen von Selbsthilfe, Ganzheits- und technologische Medizin
Stimuliert das Immunsystem, entgiftet, fördert die Blutzirkulation, Schmerzlinderung, Aufhebung von (emotionalen) Blockaden, Regeneration und Klarheit des Geistes...alles in EINER einfachen Behandlung
Die australische Seite über Elektro-sensibilität
Multi-Etiological Subtotal Syndrome
Spiritualität und Elektrostress (In Deutsch/ Niederländisch)
Ausführliche Information über die Schäden des Electro-smogs
Integrale Krebstherapie
Körperlich, emotional, spirituell und Umweltfaktoren
Kollektive Selbst-Sucht
Die Krankheit der "Normalität"
Emotional Self-Integration
Deine innere Stiefkinder umarmen


How to order

Educational material
For ordering books, audio and video online.

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2003 © Copyright Han Marie Stiekema. All rights reserved.
Everyone may use this website as a source of inspiration. However, since it
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Last revising: 01/03/07