Letter 8

Brief 1
Chinese levenskunst
krijgt gestalte in het

Brief 2
Van muziek


Brief 3
Lieve Hilde

Brief 4

Brief 5

Brief 6
Those Who Come to

Brief 7
De Weg van de

Brief  8
Letter Darshan

Brief 9
Open Vraag

Brief 10
De natuur heiligen

Brief 11
Spirituele gemeenschap

Brief 12
De laatste uitdaging

Brief 14

Brief 16
Het Grote Leerproces

Brief 17

Brief 18
Save the Earth

Brief 23
Letter from America


To my friends in L.A.

Beloved friends,

The core of your suffering is being cut off from Heaven and earth. Hence you are disoriented, uprooted, alienated and isolated. Without roots you are in the grip of the small self: your self-centeredness, your thoughts, emotions and desires. They appear to be stronger than you to such an extent, that you don't even know who you really are. Additionally your small self is amplified by "society" in such a way, that you have become totally addicted to modern lifestyle. However, you have paid a high price already. Stress, burn out syndrome, anxiety, depression, fatigue and exhaustion are already "surrounding" you poisoning the atmosphere. Life has become so complicated that you now painfully feel the consequence of missing a Center, your inner stability. Maybe you tried things already. However, without solving your existential problem no any other problem will ever be really solved. How can you cure the branches of a tree if the roots are cut? Thus coming to Me is a very good idea.

The first step is to fully become aware of your suffering. Without an acknowledgement of your actual state no any real healing is possible. Instead of escaping, you open yourself to your reality as it is. If painful, then you feel the pain. To such an extent that the longing for wholeness will become deeply rooted in yourself. The pain (frustration, anxiety) has to become the trigger to the quest for wholeness. Maybe it is the pain of past experiences, your relationships, your work or the consequence of a false (pseudo-spiritual) identity. It doesn't matter. Once you move into the right direction you start acknowledging the fact that your spirit, your True Self (currently unknown by yourself), has its home in "Heaven" (the Great Spirit, Consciousness), while your body is part of the earth. Hence a deep longing for home coming, for Unity, takes possession of you. There are many ways of restoring the twofold Unity with "Heaven" and earth. You may already have found your way. However, if this is not the case yet, you may try the following.

It is very simple. The key to the practice is the inner whispering (mantra); "part of the Whole", while simultaneously feeling your body in contact with its direct surroundings. While inhaling a subtle "part" is coming up, during exhaling "of", while in the lowest point of the exhalation, in the split second of emptiness you are whispering "the Whole". At the same time you continuously feel the contact of your feet with the floor, of your buttocks with the chair and of your back with the bed. Soon your surroundings (nature) appear to be an extension of your body, they both exist in the same Space. This twofold attunement you practice twenty four hours a day. Once firmly rooted in the Vertical and the horizontal your life will be completely changed. Eventually Heaven" (your Real Self) will be over-flowing to your body in their crossing, the Heart. Inner stability, joy, clarity, strength and compassion will forever be part of you.

Starting from there you will then integrate all suppressed parts of yourself, everything that used to be denied, excluded and rejected. With subsequent extension of your love to your direct environment, sharing your wholeness with everything around you: your beloved, the people in the street, the trees, the birds, your neighbors, those most in need ... Begin NOW because time is short. That Heaven and earth may soon become your Home, for that may help you Heaven and earth.

Being part of Me, I Love you like myself,


© 2000 Copyright by Han M. Stiekema. All rights reserved.
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Last update:08/30/06